Over the past year, the economy has been booming. If you have a 401(k) or an IRA for retirement and you’ve been paying attention, you’re probably grinning about how much it’s grown. Companies are giving bonuses and wage increases, big companies are investing huge sums in the US, unemployment is way down, so it’s worth wondering, will customers start returning to motorcycle dealers?
Motorcycle sales in Europe and Asia seem to have held up better than here in the US, Harley Davidson has had a bit of a struggle and the motorcycle magazines have reduced the frequency of their issues. Did the economy cause the slide? Well, not by itself, changing interests among the young played a part along with high insurance rates and student debt, sort of a perfect storm, but you know, when the economy turns around and everything else gets caught up in it, those delayed purchases might break loose, too.
I have no crystal ball, but I would be very surprised if sales this spring are not better than they have been in some time, there’s too much good happening for it not to have an effect. Then again, where you focus your attention has an effect, too. I like to look at the good things, as the tagline for this site says, “Doers, Builders and Positive People,” so I expect things to keep getting better. How about you?
Waah. says
A lot of competition now for the motorcycle money. And the prices are way high usually. I got scared last time I rode, from the texters in my lane. This and the old folks has spoiled my riding. Never mind the deputy around every corner. Want to go PWC and have a blast? Then the pond gestapo is on ya in no time. I’m hoping for good quality sex dolls being developed before I’m too old. Then I’m building a room on the house to put my bagger in with the doll on it, just for drinking in.
Seriously, I don’t see the riders coming up to carry the flag like in the 60’s and 70’s. A good Honda 90 and the little z bikes would build a rider base back up, but. A half decent mini bike is 6-7 hundred bucks. I talk to riders, the best times were when they rode 125’s , 250’s . Hell. I would have a 250 ninja if it was sized to fit a man. I hope the new money will start the riding up.
Louis Matthew Higgins says
I guess it means when the stock market crashes, there will be a large number of used bikes for sale.