Sometimes it’s easy to look at some new creation and think it’s the first time anyone ever thought of it. V8 motorcycles have been tried before by a number of companies but how far back do they go? Glenn Curtiss made one back in 1907 and went 136mph on it. Glenn was an aviation pioneer but started out and always remained a tool guy. This V8 motorcycle is a good example of the earlier work that he turned out.
hoyt says
Didn’t that speed record hold for 20 -30 years?
gary martin says
there’s a good article on curtiss in latest rider mag. the museum in hammondsport, ny is really worth a visit
sweetLemonaid says
I know the car engine into motorcycle frame “thing” has been discussed. You have examples from the Madman from Michigan; the Tomahawk; the Mazda rotary powered bike; Munch Mammut; Boss Hoss; and the list goes continues. I like to introduce readers to the TATRA AIRCOOLED V8 BIKE on http://www.dbbp.com/
I reminds me of the Curtis V-8–raw, and brute power.