The very first Musket completed for a customer has been delivered. It’s the Musket 1120 Magnum with a full 1120cc engine, based on the Royal Enfield single, but with custom designed and cast crankcase, cylinders, connecting rods and crankshaft, this engine is far more Aniket Vardhan than Royal Enfield.

A new engine builder emerges in the USA
From the start, this conversion from a single cylinder to V-Twin configuration was a major change, but with the additional newly designed pieces, this Musket V-Twin is truly unique, Royal Enfield does not have anything like it and the major pieces are all from the imagination and hard work of Aniket Vardhan. I think we’ve crossed over to something altogether different. I don’t know what Aniket calls his operation, Musket Engine Works sounds good or better yet, Musket Motorcycles, but I think we’re watching something all new coming to life before our eyes.

As I look over these photos, the thought crossed my mind that the engine has grown to the point where the Royal Enfield frame, modified as it has to be to accommodate the much larger than stock power plant, is beginning to look like it’s reaching the limits of where it can go. It certainly does the job and Aniket has done excellent work adapting it to an engine for which it was never intended, but with an engine so well thought out, so well designed and looking so good, I’m curious if there would be any demand for a frame designed with this engine in mind from the start. I’m sure the thought has crossed Aniket’s mind before and he’s probably done his best not to think about it.

This Musket project has been such a massive undertaking over so many years, I can only stand back and applaud the effort involved and what must be the incredible sense of accomplishment Aniket now feels. Of course, having completed this build, his work has only begun, now comes the business of pricing the conversion and deciding how he is going to go about the next steps of getting this new engine out into the world. I have no doubt Aniket is up to the task, but I can imagine there are going to be quite a few folks around the world eagerly awaiting news of what comes next.
All I can say is, superb work, Aniket. My hat is off to you.

Link: Musket V-Twin
Mean Monkey says
It’s a beautiful bike, Aniket. I hope that your business takes off.
Sportster Mike says
Have enjoyed seeing these articles on Kneeslider, reminds me of Allan Millyards work….
Would love to hear another video…Aniket
David Duarte says
I love it! I want one! So many motorcycles, so little money 🙁
B50 Jim says
I doff my helmet to you, Aniket! Taking a project of this magnitude from idea to production reality takes a tremendous amount of drive, persistence and talent. The result is one of the most beautiful engines I’ve ever seen. Paul’s comments about the R-E frame being marginal for the job make a lot of sense — but that’s another project entirely. If anyone can do it, you can!
Yeti2bikes says
What a beauty. It has been a pleasure watching this project unfold.
janbros says
thing of beauty ! Has Royal enfield contacted you yet Aniket for mass production/a new model ? If not they are stupid …
steve w. says
What real motorcycles should be. Seeing the real pieces that make it tick. Nothing hidden away.
Rikar says
Love it!
Tanshanomi says
I applaud Aniket’s skill and talent, but there are lots of people with skill and talent. It’s his initiative, determination that set him apart. Undertaking a project of this scale single-handedly takes a hell of a lot of chutzpa. Slogging it out through the unfathomable minutia and inevitable setbacks takes truly uncommon tenacity. Regardless of where things go from here, a crowd of people needs to show up at Aniket’s house, hoist him onto their shoulders, and parade him around cheering.
anders 'Ace' eliasson says
I know that technology is marching forward, e.g. electric bikes, and maybe these bikes are cool, maybe not, but it will be a sad day when we no longer see work like this, and hear bikes like these, on the road … I hope that such days are a long way off …
mule says
An incredible amount of work, energy and thought went into this project and the engine looks very nice. What was the original goal? To build a……….?
QrazyQat says
You could make a nifty ersatz Vincent out of that.
Lost Boy says
…and above all else it sounds killer.
R.Tillery says
That is a gorgeous power plant, , seems like a fair price. Wish they were within my budget.
Maurice Jensen says
Aniket Vardhan has made another Enfield V twin. I know of similar bikes in England and Australia.
What will determine if this bike can go into production is the result of Type Approval tests. The Indian original ex-Brit motor was unable to pass them in Europe as gradually the regulations became more demanding of environmental cleanliness. Chennaj completely redesigned the motor and fitted EFI and that is now all that can be sold in Europe.
When Jawa UK cleaned up their 350 twin two stroke recently they were able to satisfy the UK regs but this bike cannot pass the American tests I am told.
So has the bike been submitted for test in America and with what result?