If you’re a long time reader of The Kneeslider, you may remember the Cy-Car TigerCat 3V2 we showed you several years ago. The V-Twin powered reverse trike was still in the very early stages of development at the time, but things were moving along nicely, right up until the economy went into a tailspin. Carl Myers, owner and sales manager, thought he’d better wait a bit and threw a cover over everything for the next three years, then last year the project restarted and everyone is working hard to get the first 5 cars ready for the motorcycle and trade shows next year.
We showed you several designs they were considering last time, they’ve since refined the choices, molds are being made and the body will be under construction soon. The new body will include two suicide (front opening) doors and a trunk of 12+ cubic feet.
Carl says:
Final selection of a ford transmission (5 and 6 speed) has been made and we are working with three different “V” twin engines. Harley 80 ci. / 88 ci., JIMS 135 ci., and S@S TBD. The complete drive line is now in production (casting tooling being made and 5 sets of castings underway). The drive line will have an engine adapter, oil tank clutch housing, 90 degree drive and rear wheel swing arm / suspension (air) all of which will be O.E.M.
Anticipated completion date of car #3 (1st running prototype) is late November this year. A Harley 88 ci. engine will be used for developing stats. We’ll change up to the larger JIMS engine to get the performance numbers.
We’ve been seeing some really good looking three wheelers coming out, the Ace Cycle Car, which eventually became the new Morgan, is probably the nicest so far. The TigerCat 3V2 should be another very able competitor and increase the options for anyone choosing to go this route. We’ll keep you up to date on progress. Be sure to check out their website, they have a lot of photos from the earliest versions right up to the current setup.
Link: Cy-Car
B50 Jim says
I scrolled through their extensive website, and was highly impressed with the huge effort it takes to design even a simple machine like the TigerCat, not to mention getting it to market. It shows what a few talented guys can do with some fabricating equipment and knowhow. My hat’s off, and I hope they can complete the design/build and start selling them.
Carl (sales) says
We liked all of your comments but got a chuckle with “simple machine like the TigerCat”, Our designer Martin has stated more that once how much more time and challange hours is going into this three wheeler. Having designed a number of Lotus Salon and Race cars, this is the one that he has lost more sleep over.
Tin Man says
Looking at the Cy-Car Website clearly illustrates the trials of actaully building something as opposed to posting a Computer generated concept design and calling it good. There is no getting around the grunt work in MAKING something. Nice Job guys, I wish you all the success you so richly deserve.
Carl (sales) says
Tin Man
You should see the computer drawings we have in file. We will start to show some of these in the next few weeks along with photos of the CNC cut body mold.
Paulinator says
Great job guys. Inspiring articles like this are a big reason that I frequent Kneeslider.
Mike Walsh says
Its this kind of frontier spirit that will get this country / economy back on track !
Not people that make money off of money, or by moving money around.
To quote the Cheeto Cheetah, “Impressive sir !”
Carl (sales) says
No Cheetah’s please, Only Tigers.
duffey says
Like the looks, interesting that it’s going retro-rod instead of retro-Morgan.
I’m seriously loving how many small/fun/efficient cars are in development of some kind or another (wikispeed/MAX/Morgan).
Here is hoping for success or epic proportion!
Carl (sales) says
The shop “cheer” is “TAKE that Morgan”, and on we go. Reto-rod is all American and we think right on.
Miles says
I never thought of using a diff and a belt drive for a single rear wheel (maybe that isn’t what they are doing, but I have a BMW rear diff that would work perfectly with the spiders welded up.)
I am most interested in this federal law that will let me get the 4 wheel mini truck version. I also dig the three wheeled project their shop is completing with the honda 4 motor, possibly Corvette front control arms?
The project could be neat with any number of engines, from the V4 to VW air cooled, to Corvair, as long as they are light enough.
Carl (sales) says
THe rear “diff” is really a 90 degree (ring and pinion) drive to place power in line with the rear sproket. Our diff design has a little secret that we will discuss in later chapters of the web site.
You are the first to make comment on the BeachCat mini pick-up, thanks.
The Honda engined three wheeler (nick name Monster-Monster) is one of our customers who could not wait fot the TigerCat to be completed.
We think the modified BMW rear hub is too lite duty to take the use and abuse we will see around the wrold.
joe says
Looks almost the same as the new Morgan trike,be interested to see a side by side comparison.It’s sort of back to the future but with more modern components.
Carl (sales) says
Thanks for the push and for the support we get from media like KneeSlider