Every now and then something special comes up for sale and, in my book, this qualifies, a 1939 Brough Superior SS100. Fully restored, it looks about as fine as they come. The best part is it’s ready to ride, not just display. Bikes like these should be exercised now and then, it’s what they were built for.

The buy it now price is $250,000 but the owner says the reserve is lower so who knows what it will take to put this bike in your collection. These so seldom come up for sale, it should attract a lot of interest. This should be fun to watch.
Link: Brough Superior SS100 for sale – auction over

D.O.A. says
Completely, and totally unfamiliar with this bike.
But it is a thing of Beauty.
Bigshankhank says
Needs more flat black. And rim strips.
todd says
I’d probably ruin it by commuting on it every day.
Hellcat Boss says
Beautiful, nice, and rare, but not $250K nice. That buys a lot motorcycles and a lot of traveling. Motorcycles are not to look it…they’re to ride!
Hawk says
From the description it is truly one-of-a-kind. A rare find but I think he’s looking for a miracle at $250 K.
Interestingly, we know a local fellow named Martin Brough who’s family is THE Brough’s from the UK. He has Brough Superior pictures and photographs all over his den ….. but I know he doesn’t have the $250 thou …. But I’ll send him the link to make him drool.
Art says
Nice to look at, but as with all older vehicles, significant expense and maintenance to keep rideable, let alone in concours condition. A long-time local vintage enthusiast has one, and despite a wealth of knowledge and care has had it backfire and burst into flames. No harm done, but still a few tense moments on the hot seat!
For the curious but uninitiated, go spectate at a vintage rally or maybe watch a clip of Leno starting an old bike or car. If owning really old iron still appeals, at least you can’t say you weren’t warned.
No thanks, having “done vintage” when it wasn’t so vintage, I’ll take electric start, electronic ignition and fuel injection any day.
D.O.A. says
Giving the ad a second look. Not sure I’d trust the rebuild from someone who can’t spell
frozen prairie says
Or “Concours”.
Just Pete says
God, relax guys. You guys can be so damn up tight sometimes. Its a gorgeous peice of motorcycle history. Maybe not the best example, but still. Sure, if I had $250k I would not spend it on one motorcycle either but someone out there does and just may take up the offer. (Leno, but i’m pretty sure he already has a couple of these.) If I could buy this thing it would sit in my living room and get dragged everywhere in a trailer. Get ridden once an then sold when I got tired of taking care of it. I dont like the idead of motorcycles going the way of Barrett Jackson either but people with money do strange things. Thanks kneeslider! Cool post
marc says
this is a piece of history….dont have the money for that…
but great to look at.
HoughMade says
That same bike was bid up to $230,000 last year and was a no sale at that amount. He may be in the right neighborhood, but I’m not so sure that eBay is the place. Doesn’t harm anything to try it.
Boog says
How the hell does someone with such poor writing skills amass enough money to dabble in wine and hors d’oeuvres events like vintage car and bike shows? Not to mention how much this machine must have cost to get it into this condition…
Beats me…
HoughMade says
Having the right parents helps.
kneeslider says
@Boog: “How the hell does someone with such poor writing skills … ”
@HoughMade: “Having the right parents helps.”
This is a common question and response. In some instances, it may be correct, but, in others, it may have more to do with working hard, working smart or just doing something very well. Too few people consider that possibility. Instead of wondering how someone else did it, think about how you can do it, … and then do it. You may surprise yourself. “Doing” is a lot more productive than “wondering.” In fact, HoughMade says in a previous comment above, “Doesn’t harm anything to try it.” Exactly, and that can apply in many situations beyond putting this bike up for sale.
Tim says
Its not my $250k, and the guys with the money (Barber, Jay Leno) will drop it like I might drop $20. And the provenance and rarity might mean someone will pay his price, but in this economy?
I’d be buying five or so Vincents, or a couple of Vincents and a BUNCH of other stuff. But hey, it ain’t my money.
Boog says
No need to state the incredibly obvious when the merely obvious will do. 🙂
I did not mean to imply that the gentleman selling the fine bike above did not work hard, etc. as it is implicit by looking at the craftsmanship displayed that he put some SERIOUS work into this restoration (or farmed out much of it). Too bad that he did not farm out writing the descriptive copy on Ebay or at least employ a spell checker…
I guess being a good “hoss trader” or businessman often does not require a command of written communication.
Bad spelurs uv the werld, UNTIE!
Huked on Fonikz werked fer Mee!!!
🙂 😉
HoughMade says
Kneeslider- forgive my rather lame attempt at humor….that’s all it was.
kneeslider says
I’m probably a bit over reactive to this sort of thing right now due to things happening elsewhere.
JustJoe says
Gee, you guys forgot to pick on the misspelling of “restoration” too.
I swear, sometimes the comments section here is like a bunch of old neighborhood women.
Beautiful machine, I’m sure the right buyer will willingly part with the cash.
kneeslider says
It’s climbing nicely, just over $112K as I comment now.
Boog says
No problem, Paul. As usual, your writing is impeccable. Keep up the good work.
Jacquie says
I had a mechanic boy friend that was a atrocious speller, but a gifted mechanic. This metal made beautiful. He wants a lot of cash for it or wants to keep it. I would too.
WRXr says
1. I agree, ebay is not the place to SELL this bike, but apparently it is a great place to publicize it, and I suspect that is what the seller is doing.
2. Even the richest collector would fly in to look at this bike. New Broughs are now being made and most parts for these bikes are or can be repro’d. You’d really need to know what you are looking at
3. As to the quality of the resto. Looks good in pictures but you only know it for real when you are up close. I see some broken/missing fins on both barrels.Fin repair is a regular occurance these days, so I am quite suprised that they were allowed to remain broken.
I also wonder if it would command a higher hammer price if it were left un-restored. Just replace the later added on parts with authentic ones, repair the engine and clean the bike. Authenticity doesn’t always mean shiny and new.
Paulinator says
A comment to all u skoolteachers – Blame Spellcheck for the downfall of western civilization.
What’s stopping the Chinese (or the Indians, or the Icelanders) from imitating / flattering / forging a vintage bike down to the finest detail? I had to inspect a Chinese copy of my company’s product. I was staggered by the degree of visual similarity and by the speed in which they were able to tool and produce copies. Luckily the junk didn’t work. I’ve heard that skilled Chinese “factory” artists are able to replicate the great paintings to stunning detail, as well.
Phoebe says
My god that’s gorgeous!
JM Locklear says
…yep, its over priced for 99.9% of us. But just think were wealthy…lets say net worth over 10 mill. AND you were the same bike enthusiast you are now. You’d part with 250K to have a bike like this in your collection. Besides with a bike like this you are a caretaker, not an owner. That is, this is a piece of history, that will out live you…you are merely a temporary stop in this bikes long life.
I own a 1969 Triumph T100R. Not a gem by any stretch, but its the most prized possession in my heard of mostly cb750’s and XS650’s. I ride a 5 mile stretch around my parents house about 3 or 4 times a year. At some point I will sell it, and it will be someone elses turn to shelter it.
These bikes are artifacts, and our garages and basements are the museums that house them until the next “curator” acquires them.
Brian Sheridan says
The bike is nice, but very over-restored, which is very common with these kinds of bikes. Most owners seem to feel that they can get a better price if it has lots of chrome. They maybe right. Still, I doubt that he will see $250 large.
Walt says
Nice looking Ironhead!
Wonder if the chrome fenders were stock. I guess these were semi-custom builds, so I suppose this was an option.
(Running away fast from slings and arrows)
GenWaylaid says
@JM Locklear:
“just think [if you] were wealthy…lets say net worth over 10 mill. AND you were the same bike enthusiast you are now.”
If I was worth over $10M, I’d be spending the money on a quality second-hand CNC mill and lathe. Then I’d amass some parts bikes and build my OWN motorcycle, one that I could start and ride every day unlike these highly revered museum pieces. And if the first one didn’t work, I could try again and again.
Too bad right now I can’t even afford a garage…
Hawk says
The discussion on bad grammar and spelling is interesting. Yes. it is the image that we project when we write something but is it a true representation?
I am fortunate that I missed the “phonetic spelling” fad that swept through our schools a few years ago. Indeed, had I been part of that, I think I would have tried to sue the system for failing to give me an education. But really, it’s only image.
We have many very brilliant people who have immigrated with a minimal command of English. Some who are dyslectic. Still others who were never exposed to proper grammar (as lamented by Bill Cosby) during their youth. English is one of the most difficult languages to master and I feel fortunate that it was taught as properly as my parents knew how.
Nonetheless, I’ve known some very brilliant, creative people and yes, some very wealthy ones, who were not adept at language skills. Perhaps that’s why Bill Gates included “Spell Check” in his programs.
Yes, “Image” is our calling card ….. but most realise that it can be very misleading. A person’s accomplishments and moral worth are far greater measures and we should not be diverted in our appreciation of excellence.
frozen prairie says
Below is a link to a YouTube clip of vintage race bikes that have NOT been over-restored. When Dale starts the twin it is awe inspiring.
You’ll find more clips of more bikes in the sidebar. I hope one day to visit this guy’s museum in North Carolina.
Scotduke says
This is a stunning motorcycle, who cares about the spelling? It’s not as if the posts on here are 100% correct all the time.
The SS100 is an all time top 10 bike to have. I’d rather have TE Lawrence’s old one mind you. It’d cost a bit more.
Tim says
@ Hawk: some of them might be dyslexic even.
@ Paulinator: dude, its “speelchik”, I’m pretty sure.
can we get back to the bike please? why don’t you all give me say five (or ten) grand so I can buy the bloody thing?
Bigshankhank says
Even though it has a salvage title?
HoughMade says
I’ll have to see the Carfax on that one and use it to bargain the price down. 😉
Steve says
Should have left it a survivor, and preserved it. Sometimes you actually devalue thinks when they get “restored”. I’m lucky (or unlucky?) that all my old bike projects were already works in progress, so I didnt have to worry about it. Patina can be your friend!
Peter Murphy says
Lawrence of Arabia died while riding one these.
You can add that to your store of useless trivia!
Doc_AZ says
I’d buy it if I had the money. T. E. Lawrence (known as Lawrence of Arabia) died on one of these in 1932, I think. These beauties were custom built for each customer. The British Brough and also the American Crocker motorcycles were and still are amazing and about the most expensive bikes you can buy. If you love and appreciate motorcycles, you can’t help but love these. There were no shortcuts on craftsmanship or material. Works of art, each and every one, not to mention they would do over 100 miles an hour back in 1925. Nothing out there compared. If all you know are the Japanese bikes of today, you’ll have no clue what you’re looking at here. These would be like collecting Dussenberg’s for car collectors. In fact, they were advertised as the Rolls Royce of Motorcycles back in the day.
donquijoterocket says
I wondered how longit was going to take someone to come through with the fact that one of these pitched T.E.Lawrence headfirst into a tree. Makes one wonder100 MPH and those little drum brakes about he size of a salad plate.Everyone goes on about the Italian sense of style. For my money when it came to motorcycles no one’s ever beat the brits.If I had the cash, I’d have this and a specimen of the Ariel Square four if for no other reason than just to preserve some fine old iron despite the fact they liked to mark their territory with oil and had electrics by the prince of darkness.
Richard says
Dear donquijoterocket:
While the truth will never be know with certainty, in all likelihood T. E. Lawrence was not as you state “pitched headfirst into a tree” but was assassinated to prevent his meeting with Adolf Hitler which was arranged by Lawrence’s friend, the English naturalist, Nobel Prize winning author and member of Mosley’s Black Shirts, Henry William Williamson.
Randall says
I have the awe inspiring luxury of gapeing at a fully restored SS100 while I work over cleaning up a SS80 to unrestored drivable status. The tanks and parts are not “chrome” , they are polished nickel plated , and take alot of care and work to get to look like new again , belive me.These things are awesome !! I don’t think I would do a 100 mph. on one, but then I didn’t realise my Ducati would go 135 till I tried it.
Jennyren says
My father owned exactly the same bike in 1947. Of all the things he collected in his garage why didn’t he keep this? I would have been very pleased to have inherited it!
Peter Lewis says
$250,000 is a great deal of money but just imagine if the history involved a certain Mr Thomas Edward Lawrence.
$250,000 then would be an insane bargain and collectors with that kind of money to spend would be foaming from the mouth to get a chance to own such a bike.
I am not sure what $250,000 is in Uk sterling but a gorgeous SS100 in this kind of condition is easily worth £100,000 +.
Brough Superior motorcycles were always expensive even when new.
Have a look at our website fellas. Gorgeous, expensive, rare . . sure but that powerful
V- twin of nearly 1000 cc under your crotch is pure heaven. 1,000 miles on one exactly like the model shown in Scotland in.2011 was about as close to heaven as I am going to get.
Google the website for the Club and see what I mean.