Victory unveiled their Core concept motorcycle to show their idea of the possible future direction of motorcycle design. It’s a performance cruiser stripped to the core, hence the name. I think their design team has some interesting ideas.

The frame is sandcast aluminum, the engine is their 106/6 Freedom V-Twin (106 cubic inches/6 speed) and wheelbase is 64 inches. Of course, because it’s only a concept, Victory can get away with no rear suspension and a mahogany seat, but you can envision all sorts of ways those could be adapted to real production bikes and the concept appears to be full of ideas that could be used in a production model. If fact, I would be surprised if we did not see something drawing on this concept to show up in their lineup. What do you think?
Link: Victory
More photos below:

Jack Swartz says
I like this idea because I like elemental motorcycles. An engine and wheels on a frame is all I need. It does need rear suspension though. It seems like they ran out of ideas at the back of the bike. The exhaust needs work and, from the side view, the chin-faring seems disconnected and hanging out there. Maybe a down-tube to tie it in?
Tin Man 2 says
Its good to see a Victory that goes in a new direction, their Luxo cruiser I applaud even as it went a little to far out for me. Its nice to see an American company struggle to get out of HDs shadow with new ideas.
Phil says
What an amazing motorcycle. The name fits the bike. I love how they poured molten Aluminum into a sand mold to form the frame. Always thinking outside the box. Victory is not in the shadow of HD, but HD is now in the shadow of victory. The last 10 years for Victory has 1,000% more technological advances than HD has done in the past 105!
bigya says
Love it – very visceral. I like where motorcycle designers are headed. This and BMW’s latest show bike are good trends in my opinion.
davidabl says
It’s actually understated compared to the overdone crap they’re building.
sohc says
It has rear suspension… the seat is sprung.
Tin Man 2 says
Phil, You want advanced tech, your looking at the wrong bikes. Myself I want Simplicity of use, Reliability and Pleasing design, This Victory looks good to me, Im tired of over done Harley clones. The new designers seem to be getting it right.
RTL says
Is it just me or are we seeing more manufacturers gradually morphing certain models with the chopper styling towards a more functional/performance oriented overtone? Whatever it is I welcome it.
4Cammer says
Much better than the Fury….
hoyt says
This motorcycle has an excellent modern style mixed with subtle hints of vintage racers, which is difficult to complete. I like it a lot because it emphasizes how little is needed with this motor design.
The engine is the bulk of the chassis since it is unit-construction with the transmission, so no downtube is necessary (or wanted…it would diminish the approach of “2 wheels, a seat, and a motor”)
I saw another straight-on picture that appears to have a thin column in the middle of the intake, so the sides of the aluminum body may be acting as the steering neck…bearings on the top and bottom surfaces (?). Very cool, Victory.
lostinoz says
Not a bad concept, sprung seat bobbers always get my attention, nice concept on the air intake, that should get some serious turbulence on the air current. I’m not clear what that lower box is covering, oil cooler? Did they go water cooled? Either way it doesnt look right, like someone had a full fairing bike that they cut off the rest and left the lowers attached. The oil tank battery box area looks REALLY beefy, minimalistic look right up till that and the cardboard box hanging off the front. Id like to see a production model based off this concept, it could be interesting.
B*A*M*F says
It has beautiful lines. I’d love to see what it’s like to ride.
daddyc479 says
Build it and price right and i’d buy one! It’s COOL!
Jelle says
I’m with ya bigya.
Brian says
Inspired by Confederate Motorcycles. I’d spend my money on the real deal and not a clone.
aaron says
???? which confederate ?????
alan says
I was gonna say that, and was surprised that nobody noticed (that it looks just like a Confederate). It is still cool though, my favorite Harley is a Buell, if you know what I mean…
LN says
I agree with Brian; Confederate did it first and do it much better. However, this is far more attractive than anything currently found on Victory showroom floors. Step in the right direction (or at least vicinity).
John says
I like the direction they are taking by lightening etc.I want Harley to go in the same direction with at least one bike per motor,TwinCam,VRod and Sportster.My own 03 Dyna SuperGlide is on the theme in a way as I have discarded unnecasary parts and lowered it but I’d like it to loose more weight. Could get it into the high 500s with some expensive but very light wheels and Aluminum body parts etc.but the cost would be prohibative and it is plenty fast and fun as is..
zunkus says
It had the spirit of Confederate but it’s no clone. Hey there are some things from BUELL as well like the tank is an airbox (I think) and the frame presumably holds the fuel. I like the lower box up front idea. It could be used for a radiator, battery or oil tank. Putting rear suspension on this bike will ruin the lines and I’m guessing that the designer had no route out of it and that’s why he left it as such. I’m thinking that he was driven by the curvy nature of the design plus the minimalist idea. The wooden idea given it that special craftsmanship feel but I wouldn’t want to ride that thing for long on our local roads anyways! Nice direction though and I totally love it. Would like to see a practical version coming out this and am anxious to see if the spirit remains.
One small thing though which bothers me with most American design the feet forward idea. Please consider the research in ergonomics done by BUELL, European and Japanese design. I love the American minimalist art in motorcycles but would love to see more thought into riding ergonomics.
Motoxyogi says
Like the overall looks(though I won’t be buying any cruisers) and the lack of a monster truck tyre on the back.
Love the frame design, it’s all one piece, the fuel, airbox, and steering head and backbone are all the frame. I’m assuming that they are using the engine as a stressed member(not familiar with victory design practices) but it’s all here (see video above, Thanks for the pointer, Motoxyogi: kneeslider)
But that rear is confusing me. Why does the rear frame appear to be bolted on? Just for asthetic purposes. Also is that seat sprung?
ray says
It has no style or form. It looks like some one put some leftover parts together to try to sell tham.
Seymour says
What I think is interesting is how this is being accused of being nothing but a WCC/Confederate/Cyril Huze/etc.etc. clone! That says something right there – that everyone is claiming credit for it. That means Victory has hit on something. Good for them.
Keith says
I like it but when is Victory going to come out with a low price starter bike the avg person can get into riding with like a sportster.
Jim says
Having seen it in metal, it is nicely minimalistic when compared to what is being sold today, but wood seat will be a butt killer and you’ll need Cheetah’s arms to reach the bars.
Victory had a Vision rolling chassis (sans body work) on display, and the though crossed our minds to simply add lights and a seat, then go for a ride. Is it possible that minimalism could be the new direction in MC design?
Bob says
Good exercise Victory. I agree with JS that they have neglected to resolve the rear of the bike. Why put modern suspension, brakes and wheels on a concept with no rear suspension? The all-in-one frame concept is great – but it should incorporate a swingarm in order to do its job. I also think the exhaust with the wrapped pipes has been done a million times – easy solution in my opinion. I do like the seat design, but wrap that in leather, wood is just trying too hard. I hope that Victory can bring this concept to production and make it ready for real-world riding while maintaining the aesthetic shown here….
Steve says
I think it looks more like the new BMW LoRider concept bike then the Confederate. Even so, the price on the Victory will be within the range of normal folks, as opposed to the Confederate.
JR says
I love how some of you guys are saying that being a Confederate clone is a BAD thing…
Confederate motorcycles are so awesome, but cost something like 60 grand (am I wrong?). So it’s a bad thing to mimic an awesome design that costs so much more?
There’s no arguing that Factory Five Shelby Cobras are in the end better cars than the original, why can’t at least some of that idea apply here?
I think it looks great! Don’t overprice it and maybe I’ll take a test drive.
JR says
Also, if someone is awesome at photoshop, let’s see what this badboy would look like with a girder front suspension a la the Girder R1 that’s on this site.
Jeff says
Flip them clubman style bars upside down that would give it a cafe feel to it . Neat looking bike I like it .
alan says
I just thought it immediately reminded of a confederate, not that that was a bad thing. Truth is, those lines are a hundred years old anyway. Hell, if the price was right, I would check one out. I like the sportster price idea…
todd says
I’d say it reminds me of when they showed the Vision with all the body parts removed. This is probably done in response to the overwhelming enthusiasm to that “Naked Vision”.
tim says
I’m all for naked vision. Just saying.
I really like it and in fact thought it WAS a new model from Confederate when I saw it (seriously).
I really like it. Hopefully minimalism IS the new black.
tim says
Just checked the victory website. It doesnt appear that any of the other Victory bikes are water cooled. the specs above referred to “Their 106ci/6speed” motor and trans. inferring an existing powertrain. So the box stapled to the front of the cases can’t (it seems) be for a water radiator. Maybe an oil cooler? Magneto? iPod dock?
hoyt says
That is the oil cooler out front.
The comparisons to Confederates are short-sighted at best since the Wraith was inspired by the same era that inspired the Core.
B.Case says
The truth is…this is better than Confederate. Confederate didn’t invent minimalism, as far as I know. And, I think Victory’s execution and PR here, along with the video, is effective. All of it helps elevate their brand in my book. Well done.
If anything, I see some Tim Cameron influence here, which isn’t a bad thing. And, if anyone read American Motorcyclist this month, they’d probably agree that Victory/Polaris is a force to be reckoned with.
Gordo says
This could be a production bike quite easily. Hindge the lower rear subframe mount and put a shock or shocks near horizontal under the seat a la Confederate and you do have a resonably priced, reliable Hellcat clone that has better dealer support.
Imitating the styling of the Hellcat is not a bad thing. Besides, most people have never seen one in person and even fewer have the disposable income for a 60 thousand dollar motorcycle. But you bring that thing to market with a tag of $13,000.00 and people will purchase it.
tom w. says
It does remind me – in a good way – of the Confederate Hellcat.
Unfortunately Confederate (as I understand) is discontinuing the Hellcat and going with that mess the Wraith.
Confederate is leaving the door wide open for Victory to swoop in.
hoyt says
I’ve seen the Hellcat in person and it is an impressive bike, so there is no negative connotation. Confederate’s work just did not come to mind when I first saw this bike. There is a more direct link to board track racers of a hundred years ago than anything related to Confederate.
I guess silhouettes of the 2 general shapes could be compared due to the solo seat and proximity to the rear wheel, but that is like saying 2 of any style (sportbikes, luxo-touring, adventure, etc.) are clones. As Brian Case mentioned above, Confederate didn’t invent minimalism. They did not invent the early racing form either.
Zac says
“Inspired by Confederate Motorcycles. I’d spend my money on the real deal and not a clone.”
My thoughts exactly. But this still looks good. Sleeker than the wraith.
Inspired by Confederate Motorcycles. I’d spend my money on the real deal and not a clone.
hoyt says
That logic would suggest every naked sportbike is a clone of the Ducati Monster, which is not accurate. They both are influenced by the cafe racers of the 60’s & 70s.
Rich Peabody says
I saw the critter in person at the NYC show…it sucks…Ugly and impractical, and did I mention ugly?
I can’t bring myself to like the look of this concept. It’s disproportionate and ugly.
Dar says
Try doin this at HD and see how the faithful wring your neck! I own one of each and see the possibility of Victory blowin right by HD with Visons and ideas like this. Guys that eat sleep and drink bikes like these guys do are destin to find the absolute right combination. Because they won’t quit until they do. Meanwhile the Harley faithful criticize the MOCO for going outside the box! Hang in there ladies and gentlemen VICTORY’s days are coming. I am just glad I got my Kingpin when they were cheap.
Hey I still get “That V-Rod aint no Harley” from some of the “Faithful”. Oh trust me when I tell ya its Harleys absolute finest machine ever!, I mean it. Watch out HD these boyz at Vici seem pretty damn determined to take lead sometime in the not to distant future if you don’t start lookin outside the box! Just be advised Willie G has one heck of an imagination so it won’t be easy.
Dar-My Children; 2004 V-Rod/ 2004 KINGPIN
Mehul Kamdar says
I agree with all the opinions in favor of this concept. And yes, Voctory need to produce it with rear suspension. It will sell. Simple. Because it is good enough to.
noodles says
Victory won’t build this. They only build cruisers and nibble on the heals of Harley. Victory only has one motorcycle engine (an oversized and underpowered 45-degree v-twin cuz that’s Harley-esque). That engine doesn’t belong in the Vision Touring and doesn’t belong in this bike. Too bad they never built a small bike around that 800cc flat parallel twin they used in a previous concept. The engine was sourced from a Polaris snowmobile. For reference, the 2009 Dragon SP with that 800cc twin engine puts out 154 horsepower.
sourced from a Polaris snowmobile).
B.Case says
Noodles, the 800cc snowmobile engine is impressive, but I think it’s specifically tuned for snow, not pavement (154 HP/80 ft lbs of torque). I’d like to see where the curve falls on the dyno. But, I agree, they should still reconfigure that thing and put it in a bike, like the original “Vision” concept. And, as for their “Freedom” V-twin, most reviews say it’s the best engineered, most reliable American V-twin ever. Don’t knock it because it doesn’t match your personal idea of what an engine should be.
But, one thing is for sure, a good idea in the bike world doesn’t mean it will sell, and vice versa.
hoyt says
noodles – the Victory engine is also not a 45 degree engine and not Harley-esque at all with its internals.
As the displacement battles continue, HD is going to have to face the decision S&S has already executed well on….increasing the angle of the cylinders.
113 ft lbs of torque & 97 hp from an air/oil cooled, stock production motor (with warranty) is under powered?
JRN_56 says
Someone said “better than a Fury”.
a) They are not even the same type of motorcycle.
b) Are you kidding? The Fury is soon to be for sale, the Core, as is, never will be.
Anyone wanting an African Mahogany wedge repeatedly slammed into their crotch, with nothing dampning said wedge, raise your hands! It’s either an insult to all knowing riders, or just plain stupidity for showing such an blatently unrideable machine. And like we need another big V twin out there! If Victory really wants to do something different-
Why not build a bike in the 500-750 class for young adults, beginners or people who just don’t need 100+ heavy c.i. between their legs? Maybe a single. Something cool, decently powered, inexpensive, and different! Naa… American makers will never do that. Swoopy cruisers from outer space they can do. Ancient engine designs, they can do. Reasonably priced fun, nah….
Kai says
I really like it, the way the belly pan “chin fairing” seems to float is a nice touch. I would like to see a wider rear tire on it just to give the back end a little more weight. I agree that the exhaust needs some more thought. I love the lines of this bike. I hope to see it on the showroom floor.
Mike Lucas says
Are you guys for real? This is a direct knock-off of Confederate. For you guys who are saying that this is new and fresh and leaving Harley in the dust, etc., you certainly have remained in the dark!
Andy Innes says
Where do I buy it??!! I’m serious. Whack some padding on the seat, put small indicators and mirrors on it and SELL IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!