Trials riding can be spectacular, out in the backwoods, riding over huge boulders and down impossible paths, but what about taking those bikes and skills into the city? OK, this goes under the “don’t try this at home” category because, … well, just because.
The video below shows Fred Crosset of Belgium on the Monster Energy trials team, running around an urban setting, doing what any trials rider would do, looking for ridiculous paths and impossible obstacles to ride over while making it look easy. Let me repeat, don’t try this at home, but great skills, you have to admit.
Thanks, Mike!
Video below:
Gunner says
Trials riding is an ideal way of training for any other form of motorcycling. On top level, it’s a very spectacular sport, too. In fact, every motorcyclist should have a trials bike in the garage alongside his or her other bike(s). My son is a keen mx and enduro rider, but ride his trials bike whenever he can. It is a little like a bmx bike with an engine attached, lots of the same kind of tricks, same kind of mentality needed. However, these urban sessions are a little over the top, contact wit the police should always be avoided (but fun to watch, of course). Go buy yourself a GasGas, Beta or similar as soon as possible and enjoy training to be a better rider!
Phoebe says
I love watching trials videos like these. They’re so cool! Unfortunately, I will never have enough skill to do anything like it, but I certainly do appreciate the sport nonetheless.
B50 Jim says
Awesome skill! I wouldn’t try this at home because I don’t have any bridges like this at home! My B50 would stall in fright anyway — English bikes never were made for these stunts! I’ll let the kids do this and stay on the roads where the police only can cite me for speeding and leaking undue amounts of oil.
todd says
Apparently Red Bull gives you balls too.
MikeC says
When I first saw this video, I thought ‘ no way – How did he do that and now get thrown in jail’. Then I searched for more videos on this guy (and others) and it seems to be a small and illegal subculture that find harder and harder things to ride on and show it off on youtube.. They seem to be following along the lines of BMX urban riding. I think the skill is amazing, the location – not so much. I wonder what they could do with an electric trials bike! Happy you posted the link Paul.
Cheers, Mike
hoyt says
tremendous. Don’t forget the film work, too. Nice angles & distance footage.
todd – i think you just gave Monster Energy a new tag line, not Red Bull
tim says
@todd: lol
here’s a local version of this: the guy lost his drivers licence for a while and had to pay a fine etc. Cool stunt though.
bob miller says
Just fantastic control and Balls. I know cities and the people in cities don’t want bikes jumping all around on stuff, that is not for power or other vehicles to be on or use. But you gotta admit it is pretty cool!
chris says
A very well excuted and planned out video of amazing stunts. Thoroughly entertaining.
michel crockwell-laurent says
Seriously making me think that when they where handing out talent and bike riding skills that i was at the back of the line!!! Slightly off topic as in its a pedal bike that’s where most of us started
check this vid of Danny MacAskill,I think anyone that enjoyed the previous vid would also find this quite amazing!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z19zFlPah-o
Den says
These guys have amazing skill, check this video out:
I also saw bicycle trials on TV once, the bikes had no seat or set post whatsoever!
michel crockwell-laurent says
great vid,i am seriously thinking if you ride trials you can probably master any form of motorcycle sport those guys just seem to be at one with the motorcycle and have amazing control!Almost makes me wish I had started there instead of in mx!
Simon says
Trials has, unfortunately, never been as big in America as it is in Europe, even though an American, Bernie Shreiber, was a world champion in the sport. I have tremendous respect for the skill levels involved, but on a proper trials course, not in a city environment. These guys who do this, and “stunting” on public roads, are doing a great disservice to the rest of the motorcycling community. The “citizens” see this sort of thing and often react negatively to motorcyclists in general, and the next time someone introduces a restrictive anti-motorcycling bill in city council or the state senate, they vote for it. All the pro-motorcycling lobbying done by the AMA and all the positive things many of the rest of us do to try to improve the image of motorcyclists are undone in a flash by some squid in sneakers darting in and out of traffic on his crotch rocket with his tee shirt blowing up his back or by some “stunter” performing an infinite wheelie on a public road or by some clown like this, who is clearly very skilled, but also very foolish. Yes, this is probably a minority opinion, but remember this the next time some legislator whose wife was frightened by some idiot wheelying past her on the highway at 90 mph (never mind that she was probably on her cell phone at the time) introduces yet another anti-motorcycling bill. Remember, there are a lot more of them than there are of us.
baddad says
jaw dropping entertainment, and truly top notch production too!
Boog says
A lot like how hillclimbers used to ride (including myself) back in the late ’60’s when I was in college in East Tennessee, except it was with mostly stock 250-300 cc bikes in the wooded hills around Knoxville. You would have busted your ass trying stuff like this on those bikes.
A few years ago one of these wheelie clowns really busted his butt in front of my house…before I got to the phone to call an ambulance, the guy has come to and picked himself up…he was fortunate.
Yeah, this is about as good a public relations video for biking as the guys that target practice on public road signs are for legit gun owners. All it will take is for one of the riders to get killed or worse kill someone else on a public street for the lawmakers to start banning ALL things two wheel…I can just see this clown dropping off a concrete retaining wall onto a first grader wandering around…
Ed says
This is nothing compared to what Julien Dupont does an his trailbike.
Just type his name on you tube.
btw The Kneeslider is the best !! keep up the good work
TheJayBob says
That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. I probably couldn’t even dream of riding like that. Wait, let me try … … … nope, still too cool. Thanks for sharing!