Hayabusa customs are everywhere, stretched swingarms, huge tires, turbos, nitrous, chrome all over and as wild as they are, they all use the same formula, if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. This one’s different. Built by Gregg’s Customs and Jon Reed of Sport Chrome, you have to look really close or you wouldn’t even know it was a Hayabusa, it looks more GSX-R than anything, thanks to a Gixxer tail section on a custom subframe. The Busa’s tail is so distinctive it throws everyone off when it’s removed. This bike is for sale on eBay and if you’re in the market for a custom that’s so radical, people will mistake it for a custom version of something else entirely, this is your bike.

The tail section that completely changes the look of the Hayabusa is mounted to a custom subframe that is supposed to become available from Gregg’s Customs but has not yet appeared. I would imagine, when it does, there will be more than a few Busa owners looking to swap theirs for the cleaner lines of this bike.
Wouldn’t it be nice if a bike like this could start a trend toward fewer bikes built from a catalog of extremes (my swingarm’s longer than yours) and instead began with some well thought out changes that turn a motorcycle into something that almost appears factory but is actually an undercover radical? I like the thought that went into this. Nicely done.
Link: Rockstar Hayabusa – auction over

taxman says
i like both the GSX-R and Hayabusa tails. seeing them mixed is interesting. i do like it but i think it is angled up a bit to much.
if they had done the front in the GSX-R fairing they could have a real sleeper on there hands.
WRXr says
I think the tail looks out of place. Too diminutive for the rest of the very muscular bike. Almost like it has been photoshopped in. Just my OP. To each their own.
JustPete says
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the Hayabusa a “Gixxer” as well. GSX-R 1300. I know what they mean about the Gixxer tail section reffering to the GSX- 1000R, GSX-750R and GSK-600R. Ah well, guess I’ll get back to work and stop worrying about it.
JustPete says
Sorry, GSX-R 1000 Etc….
Kenny says
Gold rearsets aren’t really too my taste but……………Sorry had to wipe all the drool off my keyboard. But………..Damn it, not again!
Love the single side swingarm conversion, megaphone exhaust, clean lines and colour scheme (apart from the rearsets(-:).
Is anybody able to get a video of this beast turning a wheel in anger?
QrazyQat says
I think the tail looks out of place. Too diminutive for the rest of the very muscular bike. Almost like it has been photoshopped in. Just my OP. To each their own.
I think it’s fine… except. Because it doesn’t fill that space where you see framework under the seat it looks added on and mismatched. The same style but with a touch of extra material to fill that space and I think it’d look fine.
Overall I like the bike.
rob says
Nice to see something new but I’m dissapointed that none of the golds appear to match and that tail looks really out of place. The front end of this bike looks super heavy and the back end looks comical. It’s like a rail-thin girl with double-ds and no ass.
coho says
Qrazy, may I call you Qrazy…no? OK, Mr. Qat, then. 🙂
At least it’s not the angry wasp sticking up in the air tail that the euro sportbikers seem to like so much…
JSH says
The Hayabusa was called the GSX1300R for the first generation. Now Suzuki America is simply calling it the Hayabusa.
The current GSX-R family of sportbikes are:
– GSX-R1000
– GSX-R750
– GSX-R600
Whether the R comes before or after the displacement is a subtle but important difference. The GSXR’s are the motorcycles which Suzuki bases their race bikes. The GSX models are sporty models but not used for racing.
Tin Man 2 says
Hopefully the Stinkbug Tail settles down with a rider aboard, The mods do help lighten up the heavy look of a stock Hyabussa. Overall an Improvement.
Sean says
Wow. A ‘Busa with a paintjob and a custom subframe is something notable????
“Wouldn’t it be nice if a bike like this could start a trend toward fewer bikes built from a catalog…” “…a custom subframe that is supposed to become available from Gregg’s Customs…”
Wouldn’t it be cool if you could buy this subframe out of a catalog and make your bike look less like you just opened a catalog and bought a bunch of parts…
Now if you could find some way to make a turbo Busa as nimble as a GSXR1000, then you’d have something.
Walt says
I kinda like the one I saw this weekend, with chrome frame, giant rear tire and joker paint job with fiend heads, female clowns and playing cards all over it. Said “nutter” in no uncertain terms. This one way too tasteful.
Ceolwulf says
Looks really good. The tail section is the worst looking bit of the stock ‘busa. This one does look a wee bit shrunk in the wash though compared to the rest of the bike. I wonder what others would fit better?
kneeslider says
Abbreviated quotes change a writer’s meaning, of course, it’s easier to criticize if you can imply a different thought. You omitted “of extremes.” The point is most Hayabusa customs tend toward the extreme, as Walt pointed out with the one he saw, this one changes the appearance of a stock Busa to look like a well done custom GSX-R 1000. The paint mimics a Mladin/Spies paintjob to further the illusion. Pretty neat work. This bike was covered in Cycle World where they mentioned it even fooled a few Suzuki folks.
Perhaps you’ve done one we could compare this one to?
Trey says
Interesting to say the least…
Strangely enough, it is kind of different, considering it’s a ‘Busa.
Y’all do realize the ‘Busa is only a few inches longer than a GSXR1k? Swap out the swingarm, and BAM, tons of power, and handling to boot…
Personally, i’ve always like Gregg’s swingarms – they make any bike look better!
JustPete says
Thanks JSH. I just remembered seeing the GSX1300R on a buddies bike a while back. I corrected my GSX- ####R after my original post. I know that the GSX is it’s own line. Ie; Katana and such. Thinking- post- think again- oop’s!
Neat bike though.
OMMAG says
I’d like to see a Busa power train transplanted into a Harris Style frame like they were doing with the big fours back in the days before the liquid cooled bikes.
I remember seeing a Kawasaki 1000 bored out to 1250 and blown with a dual turbo setup (around 81) installed in one of those beautiful tube frames.
Billy B says
nice looking clean custom ‘busa, would happily ride that any day of the week with a big smile!!…was never a fan of the the new or old 1300’s tail section, so i think it’s a huge improvement!!
…although i do think there is a place for all types of customs…personally i love seeing both, the way out especially make me wonder how some people can afford to do some of the mod’s…and of course they really show some people’s talents…a bit of both is always good to see…
Clive Makinson-Sanders says
I liked it at first. That tail has to be lighter than the stock one. Weight reduction would be a great improvement to the busa, especially in the engine dept.
The front end looks like it could use some trimming too, not only functionally but with that sparse rear, the front looks too chubby.
Ive never seen a ‘busa i wanted to ride more than this one though. My 88 gsx1100f was fast as hell…..
T-Ray says
Love it. I’ll probably make it mainly the one colour, but that should be relatively simple after building my fantasy racetrack with all those highspeed sweepers and hiring Mick Doohan as my personal trainer. Now, back to designing the matching pitgirl costumes…
Matt Fisher says
Doesn’t flow. Looks good from the swingarm pivot back, or from that spot forward. Not as a whole. Either needs more tailsection (gasp- stock), or “lighten” the front end. Might look better in person though.
Nice brick in the 3rd pic, btw.
nortley says
The shape is real sleek, a rider sitting on it would balance the front-rear mismatch that appears when unoccupied. Now if the builders would kindly tire of the silly nascar graphics and rediscover uncluttered paint.
JR says
It kind of looks like a bodybuilder who works his upper body, but ignores his legs…. haha
I think it looks good though, what a sleeper!
Shane says
Don’t like it as a sleeper. As a few others have said the front end looks too big. Fair enough, it’s a ‘busa and it’s got a big chunk of 1300 cc’s in the front but still…Think the sense of balance is lost.
In fact, lose all the fairings, Spondon the thing and you’d have a decent looking bike on your hands! ¬¬
Kenny says
Don’t really understand why people are so against the front heavy look, I think it looks like an orca, big huge front body tappering back to a relatively small tail that propels it like a….killer whale out of hell!?!?
emmet says
missed the part where it was built by gregg’s customs. i like the clean build, unlike related trailer queens. it’s begging to be ridden hard!
Eddie says
As a lover of 1000s, I would quicker buy this bike than the stock Busa, I think the tail’ slightness contrasts well with the front ends toughness, giving the bike a totally battle ready look (very radical) and knowing that this kind of upgrade is possible on a busa, i think my next bike will be a busa.
Brad S. says
Well the Makita bike Sure looks good but, it RUNS even better!! With the lighter tail section and single sided ( Greggs ) swing arm, this bike really likes it when you get into her throttle, if you know what I mean….. And since we have it at our shop ( Roaring Toyz )…..I think we might have a talk about bringing the ass end out of the air…..Don’t think we’ll do anything about the rear sets but, you never know…..Hell, we could just tear her down and start all over again….
B. Sexton – RTZ
john says
i personally would choose an gsxr cause this one looks lite at the back but massive and heavy at the front and that ruins wheelies;)
so if they can make it look lite at the front to it would be an true winner with no competition at speed,great looks and agility(maybe not that much at agility)
todd says
Wouldn’t the rear single-sided swing arm cause a lot of flex, especially considering how much power it has to transfer into the frame? Looks like a victim of fashion to me.
What’s the point of this anyway? There really isn’t that much difference in power between the Busa and the GSXR.
agito says
this is kind of stupid considering the tail of the busa and the whole body in fact are part of the secret that drives the busa stock at such high speeds. removing those aerodynamically engineered parts..is yes very stupid.