Has anyone tried this before? Phoenix Racing Stands has a pretty cool two piece motorcycle stand, or lift system might be a better term, that allows you to lift the front, back or both ends of your bike and then connect both ends for a mobile stand you can slide around the garage whether the bike is all together of partially disassembled. Sometimes people think they have to come up with a totally new idea in some new high tech area to be able to invent something, yet this shows you can look at an old shop tool like a motorcycle stand, of which there are hundreds of variations, and still come up with something new.

I freely admit, I may have missed some stand variation somewhere that does this, and if so, someone will probably point it out, but I haven’t seen this type of setup before and I think it makes a lot of sense. You need to watch the video below to see how it works. It’s simple but effective. I bet quite a few of you will like this.
Phoenix Racing Stands on Kickstarter
Joneez says
Cool idea! I’m a big fan of Bursig stands (http://bursigusa.com/), but these look like they do the same thing for probably half the price.
Paul Crowe says
The Bursig stands look like a great solution, the only drawback is the frame piece needed for each specific application, instead of being a fairly universal stand like the Phoenix stands here. For some owners, though, the Bursig setup looks pretty slick.
rauk claudio says
What’s the cost and where can I order the pheonix MC stand
Paul Crowe says
The Kickstarter campaign was funded and they are just beginning production. You can check them out here at their company website.
Duke says
MOTO-D has something very similar, takes up a lot less room, and costs a whole lot less!
Watch the video here > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMJwWaIAd8s