The MotoCzysz E1pc Digital Superbike is on the way to the Isle of Man, from idea to finished electric racer in less than 5 months. As Michael Czysz notes on his blog, this will be the first MotoCzysz motorcycle to compete in an FIM sanctioned event.
Using the MotoCzysz C1 as a starting point, they tossed the internal combustion engine and replaced it with 3 electric motors. The dyno testing indicated some impressive performance potential, now we’ll see how it performs in the actual race.
I wish Michael and the entire Motoczysz team the best of luck in the TTXGP.
Link: Motoczysz

johnny says
how sexy is that! awesome- everything looks so integrated.
Jack Swartz says
Very slick machine, but I’m having fits trying to read the name. How do you say “Czysc”? (I’m not up to speed on my Klingon…)
Chris says
“How do you say “Czyscâ€? ”
I’m guessing it’s something like chizik, the Cz being like in Czech Republic, but that is only a guess…
The bike itself looks awesome! I’m looking forward to the day when one of these electric bikes wins, or does very well in, an event such as this against ICE bikes. That should make the motor industry sit up and take notice!
Chris says
Are they using an iPhone for the instrument panel?
Slash says
That does look like an iPhone! So how soon do you think it’s going to be before we can see a version of this bike for sale? And then how long for the price to drop low enough for the average joe to be able to fit it inot his budget?
ng says
Those 3 boxes with the black and red wires and green connector are the batteries? How do you replace them during the race? Do you have to remove the red #5 plate? How long do you expect to take this «refueling» procedure? Does it have regenerative braking? How it is done, using the throttle to a «negative» spin? And finally, how many laps will a full charge take to deplete?
Les says
This is the coolest bike i’ve ever seen. full stop.
Schneegz says
Good luck, Motoczysz! I hope some day I can afford one of your bikes! Please don’t give up completely on the ICE bike.
The iphone there is probably not only the instrument panel but the “ignition key” as well.
Very cool bike here.
I look forward to seeing it in action.
Mark says
Jack, Czysz is pronounced “sizz.”
I wish these guys the best. After all they’ve been through with the C1, they deserve some success.
That said, I hope they continue development of the C1 too.
T-Ray says
I’m so impressed and wish them all the best in the TTX. It really looks the business, huh?
pabs says
go go go
good luck !
Billy B says
Absolutely awesome!!! & beautiful!!! well done fellas!!!
tonyp says
5 months? Wow! I love the battery and electronic stuff in the “engine” bay. Looks like the fastest server room ever.
Even if you have a good idea how it all works, it still looks far out high tech without being overdone.
This is all very exiting.
tonyp says
I have to chime in again. This thing is truly amazing. Even if it’s DOA and bursts into flames on the starting grid, it’s still incredible. 5 months for such a complete looking piece. Especially after abandoning (or sidelining) all the work put into the engine on the other bike. Michael is a steamroller.
Feeling very uncynical.
Steve says
Ya’ know, if they are using an iPod, that’s quite brilliant. I guess “there’s an app for that?” LoL.
I’d really like to see some power numbers from this thing, perhaps after the race the full specs will be released.
Kirill says
the swingarm is attached to the body lower then usual. i guess the center of gravity for this bike is very low. (such geometry for a normal bike would result in the front wheel taking off under acceleration).
and what’s the deal with 3 motors? i heard about 2. and it looks like there are 2 chains. i hope the complications actually pays off. and y not use a more modern front suspension!
Steve says
Looking at the batteries, I think they’re split down the middle, and the probably tilt and lift out each side, and that front panel on the fairing that’s covering the two front batteries looks like it quickly unclips to access those batteries. Unplug, tilt, and lift I’m guessing.
RavinRichard says
wow, ya 5 months and this is what they make, I woulda expected a hollow shell, not a complete working badass machine, Kudos you guys!!!!
I see the chain across the three motors, all of which are on teh other side of the byke compared to the rear wheels drive chain, am I correct, no wonder it sounds so “alive” that was one thing I knew would make elec bykes exciting great sounds (like a tie-fighter) I look forward to the future now!!
Scott says
Cool! This is partly speculation on my part, but it looks like there are 5 cells (2 hidden by the fairing). I’m guessing that may be why they call it a “5”.
Take a couple cells away and you’ve got a less powerful but lighter “3” or a “2” or even a “1”.
Interesting if that’s what they’ll do.
Ry says
Great work , it is nice to finally see some positive comments on electric machines.
I think allot of Gasser’s are going to get a rude awakening after this race.
kneeslider says
Isn’t it interesting to see the reaction to an electric motorcycle when it looks like this? Many earlier attempts with scooter type looks were less than inspiring. Then you see something like this and they take on a whole new meaning. Plus, Michael is aiming at “open architecture†that can be upgraded and reconfigured. How much speed can you afford?
Nicolas says
Is that real pictures, or rendering ?
They’re probably still working on the real bike while it’s on the boat on the way to Isle of Man.
Good luck Czsixhsizik !
hoyt says
Kirill – according to several racers (who have ridden racebikes with the same front-end on racetracks), the front-end above is one of the best they have experienced.
hoyt says
Scott – check out the link to the dyno run…you can see the 5 units
kachunk says
Why are there 2 reservoirs mounted near the hand controls?
Front brake fluid, sure.
The second is usually for a hydraullic clutch line. (Rear brake reservoir is usually located near the master cylinder on the foot control)
Why is this necessary with an electric powertrarin? Is there a clutch?
I am so stoked to see these bikes in action at the TTXGP!
nobody says
The reason for the left reservoir:
Miles says
Holy crap!!
Did they mill the front end of those motors into one single piece?
I want one (actually, just one motor, I don’t need to go this fast, or this quick.)
Don says
Is it true? TTXGP coming to America in July!! (Exhibition at AMA event.)
kneeslider says
Don, yes.
@ Steve:
I’ll bet you’re correct about the batteries being split down the middle. If you look at this photo of the test from the right hand side of the bike it shows that there are battery connectors on that side as well. So, it looks as if there are a total of ten battery packs on this bike.
I don’t care if it’s a race bike or not, this bike is just sexy.
GTS says
Any news on why it didn’t make it through first practice?
Stopped around Braddan bridge, hoping it’ll be competitive in the race.
Quickest bike in practice based on a GSXR600 and around 8 minutes slower than the piston powered version, but it’s a start.
Graeme Murray says
Where can I find a list of motorcycle speed records for all categories: ie 1000cc air cooled & shaft drive?