Here I am setting up my new garage workshop, looking for bits and pieces to equip it properly and what comes along but Jesse James’ personal MAC Tools toolbox. You may have noticed it on one of his TV shows. It’s a monster, 6 feet tall, 12 feet long and 27 inches deep. Yep, that should do it.
Jesse has left the west coast for new opportunities in Texas. It looks like he figured the old toolbox didn’t fit into his new plans so, for all of you tool guys, here’s your chance.
The auction is over, but there are more Mac Tools Macsimizer tool boxes for sale. of course, they’re not as fancy as this one. Check ’em out.
Phoebe says
6′ tall! Isn’t Andre the Giant dead?
iliveforcurves says
What great timing! I’m shopping for a new toolbox.
I’m guessing it doesn’t come fully stocked, huh?
Beale says
I shall have to respectfully decline. It’s a tad gauche.
B50 Jim says
A fellow could almost live in this! However, having driven English cars, my ethic always has been to own only toolboxes I can pick up and put in the trunk. I’ll let someone else snap this one up.
dannyb says
shucks, i just spent my spare 15 grand yesterday on a toolbox that wasnt pinstriped or owned by a famous builder. nuts.
Grumpy Relic says
I’m thinkin’ she cleaned him out and he’s hurtin’!
Domino Dave says
If only that toolbox could talk ….
steve w says
Jesse isn’t my favorite even though I have met him several times but he did do a lot for createing excitement in the industry. For that it was a good ride. He might not need this toolbox but you can’t change what you are so he’ll need a new one in time once he gets it figured out. I’ve always said “you don’t need the biggest tool box, you just need to know how to use the tools you have”
Jim says
Guess life gets tough when wifey kicks you out and snaps the pocketbook shut.
Sportster Mike says
I always did like that Sandra.. guess she gets to keep the ranch
Whats her address? I want to say ‘ding dong’ and she won’t find me chasing other skirt .. one woman and one motorcycle at a time – thats me!!
Thom says
Wow. I wish I had the cash and the space. Guess now that WCC is closing, he can’t use it, huh?
kneeslider says
You know, some folks would never understand, but serious tool guys look at a box like this and can imagine filling it up and being able to justify every tool inside. If you have the skills and can use the tools, there’s nothing wrong with it. Like Steve W said above, he’ll eventually need a new one. Some guys just collect tools, but for real tool users, the guys that can actually build and repair things, tools make the world seem right and not having ready access to tools can make a guy feel really uncomfortable.
Paulinator says
Does anyone else see swastikas when you stare long enough?
David says
Does he get to keep his TOY boxes?
Rich says
I just tried logging onto West Coast Choppers website yesterday and was immediately forwarded to Austin Speed Shop. Jesse’ venture into the car world. It looks like he’s moving onto different things now. The chopper thing just just kinda sizzled out with the majority like I knew it would. I hope this new venture works out for Jesse, and knowing him, it probably will. He is very talented and resourceful as a business owner. I’d like to see him work on other types of motorcycles.
tim says
I really respect Jesse James’ talents. If not his taste in women (apart from Sandy: what a stupid move that was). And of course he has always built cars, and he did that radial engine motorbike, and the VTX concept for Honda, and the cool sidecar rig for airstream etc etc. Maybe not being on the TV, and living a quiet life in Austin, pursuing other business ventures (and Ms bullock who also lives there) is a good thing.
I would totally buy him a beer and talk bikes/cars/planes whatever with him. Definitely wouldnt say that about any of the Teutuls……..
JOBIE says
I have followed Jesse for a great deal of his career, all the way from his apprenticeship with the late Boyd Coddington, to his latest attemts at TV. I would have to say that while WCC was a great shop, it lost its personal touch once Jesse made the “big time”. Choppers are dead for the most part and Jesse is smart enough to move on. Congrats. Say what you will about HIS personal life, but the MAN has SKILLS. You cant take that away!
MikeT says
Looking at the stuff in the drawer, appears to be more of a fabricator than an engine guy.
dwolvin says
Say what you will, but I think:
Great builder, very skilled with sheetmetal work.
Horrible business operator, the shows I watched (second wife, I think) it was apparent that she was the reason the business functioned.
It seems that the same Alpha male drive that made him good TV is much like the other areas that allow primadonna behavior if you are skilled and famous (I’ve met a few named Chefs), and if you are confidant, driven, and allowed to behave any way you want it should not surprise anyone that we get more Hollywood behavior. It takes near superhuman (moral)strength to not go a little crazy.
That said- Sandra seems really cool, rebuilt a Victorian ten years ago as a hobby between movies.
Mule says
My wife saw me looking at a picture of Sandra Bullock and said, “Would you leave me her?” I said, “I would kill you for her!”
kneeslider says
What do you say we get back to talking tool box?
Jay Allen says
Comments were more entertaining than the post : )
Mule says
Right. Toolbox. What does a new one cost? A Celeb’s car or truck? Oh yea! His toolbox? Only for someone who thinks some Mojo comes with it. Too big for my garage. Plus I’d rather pay big bucks for new stuff. But an extremely exciting auction to watch.
I bid in Cameron Diaz’ Pearl and Chrome Troy Lee Designs motocross helmet from Charlie’s Angel’s II. It was only a $60.00 with a minute to go. I was set to go to $200.00! It went to $2800.00 in the last 3 seconds. You just never know what some people will be willing to pay.
fred harmon says
Yes it IS only a toolbi\ox, but I know how I feel about mine, If I were to roll it out at a garage sale I would most likely be rolling it back in. Noteriety is the key to this sale, still, one has to wonder, it could just as easily go into the moving truck.Good Luck in Texas Jesse, Keep your nose clean and who knows, maybe She’ll take ya back some day. But remember, they call ’em exes for a reason!
SteveD says
If he had another show, I’d watch. I don’t know if I like him but, unlike the Teutels, I found him really interesting.
Ola says
I think the issue is not that it’s a gargantuan toolbox but the price. 17,500 USD for a tool box with a few tools and what looks like random crap in it is insane, when the a used one can be found for under 3000 USD and a new one retails for 6500 USD. The custom paint job hardly justifies the extra 11000.