Sandy Poglavec and his partner Erick, have been running Poechy’s Classics in Belgium for a number of years. Sandy builds custom Harleys while Erick uses his skills in the automotive area. After 20 years of building customs, Sandy was beginning to see the limits to where he could go so he and Erick decided on a new direction and the Q-Tec concept was born.

Q-Tec Engineering has developed 2 wheel kits that can replace either the front wheel, rear wheel or both, giving you the option of creating a trike with 2 wheels on either end or going with both kits to build a full quad. You get fully independent suspension and a compact differential. There are options for both belt and chain drive. Frame covers and fenders are fiberglass and it can run either a solo or dual saddle. There’s an electric reverse.

The suspension can be adjusted for both ride height and all of the normal geometry settings plus, the whole assembly requires no permanent changes to the bike, no drilling or welding is involved, it can be removed later if desired. You can return the bike to original configuration and install the parts on another bike. Full conversion takes less than one day.
The Q-Tec has European Type Approval for both trike and quad versions. They show the kits installed on Sportsters and Softails, I’m not sure if there are any specific restrictions on what models may be converted.

There are lots of accessories, too, like bumpers, running boards, luggage racks, larger tires and various custom paint jobs.
I never thought of using a Harley as the basis for a quad until a couple of years ago when I saw this one using a flood damaged Dyna Wide Glide converted into an ATV. That one looked pretty interesting but the Q-Tec versions look very well engineered and give the Harley crowd another option if they want more than 2 wheels.

All dealers listed on their site are in Europe or the United Arab Emirates. There is no mention of any plans for the US. Since the Can-Am Spyder is on the road, I would think these might very well be able get approval, at least in their trike versions, the quad might work in those states that currently allow quads on the road.
Although this isn’t for everyone, I think it shows some great engineering and the whole concept shows pretty nice design work. I like it.
Thanks for the tip, Shean!
Link: Q-Tec
Related: Hannigan Gold Wing Quad

Clive Makinson-Sanders says
Those look like a blast. Im sure with a hopped up inline four they would be even more fun to ride.
Pete P. says
Why? Just to be different?
taxman says
very interesting. i’m not much of a quad or trike fan. but for someone with a need i think that they are great ideas. this is a very well implemented idea.
Bill Skoros says
If only I could afford one, AND NY would allow it on the roads… Looks like a total blast to ride!
JR says
Imagine how fun it would be to drift one of these in the wet or snow! That would NEVER get old.
Swagger says
My Dad’s about off two wheels at this point. His reflexes are still quite good as are his sight and hearing. He just can’t balance worth beans. This would be something that would allow him to ride for a few more years. Yeah I wish the US would get off it’s stogy old butt and open the door to rigs like this…..
johnny says
that’s quite impressive for a bolt on kit. very clever.
Azzy says
Looks like it doesnt have to be a quad. Gives those who wont ride anything but US “iron” a choice like the CanAm Spyder with all the noise that they can pull out of an HD.
Shean says
I had the opportunity to ride this bike and all I could think when I was done was I could ride this thing forever it was awesome. I talked to the owner and he said they are a blast to drift. The white bike with sporster motor is actually his wifes bike and it`s built on a softail frame. As much customizing that goes on with H-D owners I don`t see why it wouldn`t be legal.
I can imagine it’s not so bad with a forward trike conversion, but with a reverse trike wouldn’t you want to swap out the stock rear wheel with an auto since it won’t lean anymore with this kit? Are there auto tires that’ll just fit or would that require some modifications?
todd says
You could probably get away with it. If you had a license plate on the thing (remember, it was already registered as a motorcycle before you added the two tires) you probably wouldn’t get bothered. If you get pulled over for reckless driving (yes, driving) or excessive noise they might give it a second look. It’s worth the try.
Tito says
I think would be a nice place for a Hayabusa V8 and the boys should look after the Harley Davidson Leaning Trike. —> V8 Leaning Quad 🙂
Larzzzz says
I’m wondering if this will interfere in any way with the leaning trike patent Harley applied for (and you reported on) back in 2007. The similarities are pretty strong.
Larzzzz says
@Freeman what makes you think there wouldn’t be any lean? One of the growing areas of the trike market as far as research and design is coming up with a leaning trike. Even Harley is working on it.
@ larzzzz: as demonstrated here, the only thing that leans with this kit is the rider.
frozen prairie says
Motor vehicle legislation should be changed to allow vehicles like this on the roads everywhere. As it stands now, I think many governments would regard these four-wheelers as cars and so they would have to comply with the same regulations as cars: side impact and rollover protection for example. They should be classed as four wheeled motorcycles – the people who buy them would understand the risks.
There are many, many people out there riding four-wheelers off road (though for the life of me I can’t understand the appeal) who would never buy a motorcycle, but would probably buy one of these.
There could be sport versions, touring versions, big and small. There is a huge potential market. Plus, it would create a whole new custom/high performance industry.
Could be pretty neat if it happens.
kiri says
really really nice, but I would prefer the V8 version with Big Block 7.2 Liters 🙂 Like the BossHoss bikes.
Are there already any quads on the road?
Carlo says
Anybody knowing the price for the kits?
Searched a bit but found nothing,,,
Beaugrand®™© says
Any mention about price?
Larry says
Yes indeed!! I’ll take mine in flat black please.
Tanshanomi says
Once you make something that wide, that long, and that heavy, that doesn’t lean, why have a motorcycle-style seat on it? There’s no longer a point to it. You might as well have a seat equipped with seatbelts and a head restraint, plus a roll bar. But wait, yea, that’d be a car.
…which is exactly my point.
Bob Nedoma says
Pictured over a drain (gutter?) as in:
buy one and see the money drain out of your pocket.
Is that the message?
Clive M-Sanders says
I think it would make more sense to be almost prone so you wouldnt get thrown off in hard cornering like on a wave runner.. and a more performance oriented engine.. maybe an sti flat four.. to keep the prone position and lower center of gravity… not to mention stupid amounts of speed. i suppose the transmission would be an issue though.
pipe dream over
frozen prairie says
Hey Tanshanomi, maybe this is what cars should have been all along instead of those feet-forward comfy chairs we drive now ! Some of Craig Vetter’s streamliners and (especially) the Peraves Ecomobile are sort of two wheeled cars, so why not a four wheeled motorcycle ?
I don’t want one of these, but if someone held a gun to my head and said I had to have one, it would have a 1500cc turbocharged six out of a 1979 Renault F1 car (the last year I paid any attention to F1) de-tuned to about 600HP (for reliability)… no, on second thought I’d go for the full 1000+ ponies, ground effects and fat sticky tires. Some sort of small windshield might be a good idea too. It would make a ‘Busa seem like a Monkey Bike.
kneeslider says
Those of you suggesting other engines are missing the point of this whole kit, its purpose is to convert a Harley Softail into a quad or trike, and back again if the owner so desires. If you want an inline 4, maybe you could get someone (perhaps you?) to come up with a conversion for a Hayabusa with a kit that requires no permanent change to the original bike. Q-Tec, in my opinion, did a really nice job of engineering this whole thing. The thought that went into this is impressive.
Warren says
The TriRod bikes (http://www.trirodmotorcycles.com/) are very similar to this kit.
kneeslider says
Warren, the TriRod, which we wrote about in December of 2007, is nothing like this kit, other than being a trike. They are custom built from the ground up, Q-Tec is a kit you can install on an existing bike.
steve says
having just returned from Sturgis I saw a V8 powered machine being built in Montana called a Quadracycle or I should say titled as a quadracycle in Montana. They are building 5 of them this year. Awesome project! 4 wheel vehicles of this type are not legal in all states (motorcycles are 2 or 3 wheel)unless special laws are created or all automotive laws can be met. However thay are interesting as is the one featured here. Last year I saw a version that Roger Bourget was working on.
Clive M-Sanders says
For some reason i seem more inclined to accept a quad than a reverse trike. Probably because i have always felt that trikes are either heavy motorcycles or poor handling cars. The upright position, to me, only makes sense on a vehicle where you can throw your weight around to improve handling.
dogsnarl says
Just buy a car ~ Yeah I know but its a harley and it’s so different ~ slap emblems on it and it’s a Ford pick up truck to,,,, stripped down , the same thing was done years ago by Suzuki & Honda but they call them Aero’s and early Civics ~ They came with 4wheel disc ,same basic cc motor ,built in saddle bag, radio and wipers and talk about ac and heat , , leather saddle seats ,,, large Fairing ,, stereo ,,, would I buy 1 of these ,,,, NO ,, I would buy 3 at least
Mario legault says
Hi!!! Do you know where can i but front suspension kit similar as t-rex i want to build one from scratch with my hayabusa!! Thank you!!!!!!
Miami Chopper Shop says
Outstanding peace of work!
chester says
check out my friend chester on u tube about 5 down sitting on horse i have built sportster quad need email to send u picture