The Japanese shops turn out some pretty creative customs and this Honda Valkyrie called Ryujin or Dragon King really pushes the envelope. It seems to have a bit of the Akira look, popular in Japan, but, whatever the inspiration, it’s a total redesign of the stock Valkyrie. It looks huge but manageable. Weight comes in at 652 pounds dry. Seat height is 28 3/4 which is lower than it would appear.
Not much info is available but these guys did one helluva job completely recreating the bike. It’s the kind of custom you couldn’t just ride, you would have to be dressed for it and I’m not sure what the proper attire would be.
It’s original, it’s bold, I like it!
Thanks for the tip, Eric!
Link: Whitehouse (English translation) via Atari-san Kustom Chopper Works

Chris R says
A bit gody looking. Looks like a pregnant sport bike. As with most metric bikes everything has to be over accentuated, and this is no different. And I thought the Harley V-Rod looked like a pregnant sportbike, this one looks like it is about to give birth…
Rich says
It is a fairly integrated design in that all the proportions seem correct and bits seem to go together. It isn’t something I’d ride – way too large – but is a nice design exercise and build. I like to see these Japanese builds and what they’re doing.
kneeslider says
Chris R, it’s not a sport bike, it’s a Valkyrie. Anything that starts with a Valkyrie is going to be huge. The fact that you even compare it to the look of a sport bike means they accomplished something.
Mike says
I think the proper attire would be the batman motorcycle suit http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2009/10/02/batman-motorcycle-suit-the-dark-knight/
Adrian says
This is so awesome! I’m putting this bike right on the top of my “If I robbed a bank” list!
Viv Collins says
Speechless! thank you for introducing me to some thing new, and I like it, that look could be developed
Paul Y says
My first thought was a Tron Suit, but then… ROBO-COP
It’s kinda got that 30’s Art Deco/Streamline aesthetic.
Richard Gozinya says
I dig how it’s all streamliny, then the engine sticks way out there. Great contrast, like a stretched out Guzzi.
tim says
Blade runner meets Snow Crash. Its cool!
John S says
Variations of this bike have been around for a decade at least. This version is interesting in that they replaced the stock Valkyrie intake with thoroughly impractical flat side carbs with no air cleaners.
OMMAG says
It’s awesome…. over the top … killer and rude ….. didn’t I mention something along these lines a few weeks ago?
Now … figure out a way to take two or three feet off … shed a couple hundred pounds….
OMMAG says
BTW …. I think there’s a Judge Dread costume up in the attic……
christopher says
maybe it’s the post-Thanksgiving beers. . . but i like this. especially the carbs.
Thom says
I like the downdraft flatsides and the big brakes…. Otherwise….. No.
Shawn says
I owned a stock Valkyrie for a while and liked it a lot. I wish I had been riding this instead, nice work.
Scotduke says
Very Judge Dredd and no, I don’t mean the dreadful Dredd film starring Stallone. It looks like a Hayabusa on steroids. It’s certainly eye-catching and I like the configuration of the air intakes and the pipes particularly. It looks like it’d be a fun bike to have and not too impractical though you’d need a nearly a car-sized space to park it, which I don’t have.
Tom says
Now, compare this custom with the American cookie-cutter chopper Ducati posted here as well. This bike is unique and shows some real inventive thinking. Once again, Americans cannot compete.
Sportster Mike says
Like others I like the carb pots – but won’t it stop working in the rain?
(what do you mean its not going out in the rain?) and I like the pipes – last one of these Runes? I saw moving (on Poole Quays Bike Night this summer) with the stock pipes on whistled at me when he rolled the throttle
Definetely a Ninja suit required and a mask.. (and I still can’t spell).
Jason Meyer says
Definitely belongs in the Bat Cave!
JWRICH4 says
Proper attire, I have visons of a Steam Punk Theme. porridge pot helmet, miners googles, scarf, leather \Field Jacket\, jeans, gauntlets and engineer boots.
Mule says
This bike belongs in one of three places. As a trade-in at a used car lot, in Japan or doing 173mph on the Autobahn. Anywhere esle it would be out of place.
I would prefer a Valk to be made sleaker and lighter looking, not bulkier and heavier, but that’s just me. Love the carbs.
the Ogre says
I’m amused by it; I do like it for it’s very over-the-topness, in the same way that I like the Leonhardt Gunbus: not to ride, but just to admire that someone had the chutzpah to make the bloody thing.
Derek Larsen says
I feel like proper attire is either a kamikaze/Zero pilot outfit complete with scarf, or an Armani suit, black, with white shirt and a skinny black tie.
kim says
Saw a lot of customized scooters when in Japan a while back. This thing looks pretty much like a Godzillaized version of those. Wonderful.
(Note to Sportster Mike; if it rides in japan, it’ll ride in the rain. Trust me on that one.)
jeff from va says
Stay tuned…..that front disc is gonna start turning up everywhere.
woolyhead says
No problem whittling out a shield to ward off moisture. It’s a very strange bike…..I like it…..for no particular reason………..
Byrd says
Oh good lord. I might have to take back what I said about that Confederate rolling abortion.
Chris says
Very nice bike, not a Kwak but very convincing.
Hope it sounds aggressive.
Six for live!
eric in maryland usa says
all i can say is i want it… so i can ride it .. love it
Johndo says
Looks like a Hayabusa crashed into a Goldwing.
Marvin says
I like it, I would not want to own it but I do like it err a bit like the mallard stream train, its not right for my garage but it makes the world a more impressive place by existing.
Nicolas says
the proper attire includes a showel to feed loads of charcoal in the burner. What, it’s not a steam freight train locomotive ?
Erick says
i was thinking more of torn leather jacket, pants, short gloves and long boots with lots of spike. no helmet and your hair was dressed up like a tornado just passed by. Yes it’s stupid, but with this kind of bike i think it looks awesome. lol
John says
Wouldn’t want to be seen on that. I don’t believe the wieght either, looks more like 700+ dry to me.
joe says
Looks like the bastard child from the mating of a Suzuki Hayabusa and a Honda Goldwing. Nice creation ! What to call it ? Valbusa !
B50 Jim says
Fabulous! Looks like the streamlined steam locomotives the railroads ran toward the end of the steam era. I’d love to hear that big six running — word was that the original Val had such a mean sound that Honda toned it down; this one looks like it rectified that situation. As to garb for riding this machine — nothing but a full Batman outfit.
Bruce says
Really nice. I bet it’s hard to keep under 100 mph.
Jacques says
“and I’m not sure what the proper attire would be”
How about a Batman suite…it would make the man proud!