With the revival this year of the Catalina Island GP, the first time it has run since 1958, I dug into The Kneeslider research library and came up with a few photos of the early years. I found a couple of articles from 1952 and 1958. Times have changed but some who remember the original races are pretty excited.
From what I hear, accommodations are already in short supply so if you are planning to go, you might want to make arrangements soon.
Link: Catalina GP 2010

taxman says
it would be very cool if they included a race for electric bikes like the isle of man has done. more exposure is never a bad thing, unless your janet jackson
Phoebe says
These are awesome. I love old racing photos =)
Diana Kuhn says
My step-father Bob Sandgren won a few of those races. He will be at the revival. He still loves and rides both street and dirt bikes and owns at least 3 of them.
Wade Boyd says
That was a Great Event & my Pops ( Bill Boyd) rode in 58 also, So I rode the 2010 event as a Tribute to him. Rode the Classic class, Stalled on the line, & they where gone!… I crashed 3 times, But kept going…! So I couldn’t have done well….(rite?) & then was late to the awards banquet & when I got home I found the results & that I got a 3rd! Very Cool #102 Purple Haze, on a Stock – 77 XT500, The bike cost me $60 from my Nefew, I tuned it up, &, painted it Purple,… & I had like 5 miles on it when we showed up, at The Catalina GP, ***What a Fun Time that was….!!!** Thanks again Vinnie & Red Bull. zoom * #102 Puple Haze* see Yall next year!*
Dave Schuler (HTMC_TRBMC-Ldg,.) says
(Wade Boyd)aka-Buster???-was fast, all around good guy,- great friend fellow hilltopper ???-should be proud–Dave Schuler–htmc-tbmc-ledg