After everything we’ve already said about the Musket project, turning a 500cc Royal Enfield single cylinder engine into a 1000cc V-Twin, the most impressive takeaway from it all has been the dogged persistence of Aniket Vardhan. Over the years, he’s taken an idea from napkin sketch to running motorcycle, and now, he’s taking it to the next stage, having completed the initial seven castings for the new production cases, he’s in the process of machining them into final form.
The long hard road to success
How many would be builders have the sheer force of will to just keep on going, getting burned out and moving ahead anyway? When facing a cold and drafty shop you just get out there to machine the next set. This is the long, non-glamorous portion of the trip, the part where others who know little of the work involved keep asking, “Is it done yet?” It’s also the part where projects can, and often do, die. It’s so easy to walk away and say it’s too hard, … yet, Aniket just keeps going.
Persistence as art
He sent these photos over, an art exhibit for those who will appreciate what they represent, and it makes me feel good to see them. If I were Aniket, I’d have a few of these blown up and framed, just to keep the inspiration going and to keep in mind how much progress has been made. Sometimes, constant focus on the goal not yet achieved is frustrating until you see how close you are to the finish line.
Nice work, Aniket. Very, very nice work.
Link: MusketVtwin
B50 Jim says
Absolutely beautiful! Aniket, you’re an inspiration to us all. These cases are a testament to the pattern-maker’s art, the foundry’s excellence, the machinist’s skill and your dogged persistence in putting it all together. Can’t wait to see the finished bikes lined up and ready to ride. I doubt that I’ll be able to afford one because of its limited production, but just seeing one on the road will be enough. Any word from Royal Enfield? This is right up their street.
rafe03 says
Aniket, You are an Artist in Metal. And a brilliant example of Persistence!
Be nice if RE were taking an interest.