With all of the creative talent producing new versions of internal combustion engines, like the ecoforce, the revetec, the round engine, the CEM and others, why do they all seem to run out of steam when they start looking for investors and markets? (Technically, the CEM isn’t quite there yet) Is there some big conspiracy going on keeping all of these little guys down? Is there too much “not invented here” thinking going on? I don’t think so, it’s likely more straight forward than that. I believe all of these engineers and designers are simply too late. They’re building new variations of the internal combustion engine as everyone is trying to find an alternative to it. Companies aren’t looking for more efficient ways to burn gasoline, they want to stop burning gasoline. They can improve the engines they already have, when it comes time to invest major capital in retooling, they want to build the next engine beyond gasoline.