Progressive Insurance came out with their report the other day about the metropolitan areas where motorcycles are most likely to be stolen or crashed along with the least likely areas for both. The bad news, if you live in Honolulu or Miami your cities ranks first and second for motorcycle theft, and if you live in New York City or Norfolk, Virginia, you’re in the one and two spots for motorcycle crashes.
On the other hand, Grand Rapids, Michigan and Harrisburg, PA bikers tend to hold on to their bikes and Bakersfield, California and Indianapolis, Indiana are the least crash prone areas.
Is this information useful? Maybe in a general sense, but it doesn’t take that rocket scientist everyone refers to, to know that any bike can be crashed or stolen anywhere if common precautions are not followed. Young squids will pile up bikes everywhere and if you don’t keep an eye on your bike and secure it there’s always some opportunist who will grab and go.
If you can garage your bike, you’ve gone a long way towards long term ownership. Apartment parking lots are a favorite target as we’ve noted before. A chain around wheels and frame looped around a secure post or anchor point helps and an alarm isn’t a bad idea.
Crashes may be caused by other drivers but you’re ultimately responsible for your own safety. Riding has risks a driver protected by metal will never encounter so they will never be as careful as you have to be. Use your head.
Motorcycles Most and Least likely to be crashed and stolen
Previous posts on motorcycle theft: here, here, here and here