After posting the photos of the Rockstar Hayabusa, some of you seemed to think the front end was a bit heavy looking compared to the new cleaned up tail section. Removing the fairings might clean things up even more, or perhaps, you could start with a Suzuki B-King, a Hayabusa powered standard with some, …um, … interesting, … design touches.
Suzuki had the Gregg’s Customs and Jon Ward team do their rework on one of those and it really makes a difference, as you can see in the photo. The stock B-King seems to have a bit of excess bodywork and way too much exhaust, it’s a bike that could benefit from a slim down. Once again, the tail was swapped for a GSX-R piece with a new subframe and a Corbin saddle. The scoops were removed and replaced with aluminum pieces and the Gregg’s swingarm was installed. The huge stock exhaust was swapped for a much more compact unit and the end result is a sit up bike with enough power for just about anyone and much cleaner looks than the factory unit. This bike was also covered in Cycle World with the Rockstar Hayabusa. As they noted, if Suzuki did this to the B-King, it might have sold better instead of being discontinued.
Link: Gregg’s Customs
Link: Sport Chrome
Kirill says
Much better then b-king. but still a long way to go to make it look cool and elegant like bmw k1200R. the engine just looks really heavy and cannot be married to a tiny tail. may be if some space under the seat would be filled then it would be more balanced. kind of like mission one prototype. still, cool bike
Matt Fisher says
Much, much better than the OEM look. If Suzuki had just lost the side pods and the cartoonish exhaust pipes, the B-king would have sold pretty well, imo.
lostinoz says
Newp… still ugly… the thing that stopped me from seriously looking at the b-king wasnt the tail section or the swing arm, or EVEN that hideous exhaust. It was that GOD AWFUL headlight assembly and the name… “B-King” I’m expecting the burger king mascot with the child molester smile to be riding down the street on one with a crown shaped 1/2 shell helmet.
Great job on the tail, exhaust, and swingarm, but this is a prime example of lipstick on a pig in my opinion.
The Ogre says
Well, it’s better looking than stock, but there’s still too much extraneous stuff. I’d really like to see the entire headlight section be replaced with a small double-round light kit. And the tank panels & stuff hanging off the radiator have got to go.
Swagger says
I think Greg’s did a good job all things considered.
The problems I see that stand out are that the base bike is just busy. All the panels on the tank/seat area really chop up the visual flow. Of there was a nice smooth organic panel to clean that up it would go a long way for the bike.
As well, I like an interested headlite as much as anyone but this bike ould be well served with a swap to something like a V-rod headlite tucked as far back into the fork legs as possible.
These are however just my opinions…..I didn’t get tagged to build the bike. I don’t know what the limitation set by Suzuki were….
Rick says
Don’t worry; that tiny tail will look bigger once my ass is on it. Can anyone post why they DID buy a b-King, or is it all wouldas who probably don’t have the money for it anyway?
I think it look like Gladius’ big brother.
nobody says
Ever see what new B-Kings from dealers sell for in eBay?
morpheous says
Still too much, I would bober this bike (remove the tail alltogether) and make it all engine and wheels. Short stubby pipe under the footpegs, and a clissic round headlight. YUP
Zak says
Will someone please photoshop this with a single round headlight. THAT may be something worth buying. I’m getting sick of all othe these Transformer’s headlights on the modern nakeds. I have a 2000 ZRX1100 with a ZR7 round headlight conversion… THAT is what a proper standard should look like.. OR an SV650 🙂
kneeslider says
As nobody points out, check out the B-Kings for sale. Compared to MSRP of $12,889, they’re down around $8900 or so for brand new units! You could get one new, remove all of the unneeded extras, install a nice exhaust, maybe a new swingarm and yes, another headlight, and you’ve got a pretty interesting ride.
Azzy says
I like nakeds.. and i like that. Although, as I think with may of the customs, how hard are they on the rider after an all day ride? I have bee told by a few not to get a corbin saddle if I like cushioning at all…. and looking at most of these bikes makes my back hurt.
Then again, I’m one of the few people trying to make my naked bike more of an upright / less aggressive posture riding machine.
Gary Wright says
In answer to Zak’s question, ‘Why buy one?’ It’s simple:have a ride. Everyone who slates B-Kings can’t have ridden one far, if at all. I had a 45 mminute go and decided I HAD to have one.It was that simple. It’s big, heavy and looks mean. But it handles amazingly well, it’s stable and confidence inspiring. Oh yes, and it’s a bit quick. And then I checked the prices. B-Kings are cheap. It’s a bike that 18 months ago Suzuki listed at nine grand. Now the list is just over 8… mine came for lss than six with juust 1200 miles on the clock. It ain’t the prettiest bike ever and the name’s a little bit crap. But it’s different, has tons of presence, looks mean and you have to give Suzuki 11 out of 10 for making it in a world where race repliacas or cruisers dominate the market. Oh yes, and it is fast. Try one, then decide. (I tried a V-Max too, (awesome but ultimately slower I reckon) but I can’t afford one anyway and the ZZR1400 is now on my list of test rides). Gaz
Thiago says
I like the original bike, and I like this one too…the side pods look like they could carry machineguns, but hey, it´s a Hayabusa engine!
OMMAG says
I like the BKing….. but I’d like it better with a lot more of the “Less is more!” philosophy applied to it. Or more of the More Is More in the engine…. or both!
Seriously … bikes are supposed to be elemental…. too many years of too many faired in bikes has just …… well ….. made things to homogenious.
I’ve always felt that the real niche for the Busa … was sport touring.
The naked BKing always seemed the right way to go for those with a hooligan heart.
A few extra teeth on the gear set… a stiffened up suspension …. a lighter exhaust…. and away we go!
WRXr says
“Still too much, I would bober this bike (remove the tail alltogether) and make it all engine and wheels”
I agree.
Exhaust and tail seems rather an afterthought. Why not an exhaust that doubles as a belly/chin fairing like on the Buell Blast or Aprilia Moto 6.5? One part serving two functions.
One Shot says
As stated earlier, why buy a B-King! Just ride one and you will know why, I bought one because it does everything I desire and more. I completed Lee Parks “Total Control” level one and two on mine last week. I can tell you that everyone at the course including Lee parks instructors were shock and surprise that the B-king put a lot smaller and lighter bikes in there place.
After the first day of training, I had to remove the peg feelers to ensure they did not dig into the ground. Take it for what is worth, this bike will put a smile on your face every time you sit on it and/or ride it.
Keith Smart says
Looks very nice, but the original side pods keeps the wind and rain off you, I have the B King, best bike I have ever owned,and up to 100mph I get as much wind protection as I did on my 2008 ZZR1400 ABS, as for the looks, I think it was those ugly original pipes that hurt sales, I have the Suzuki aftermarket pipes on mine, and most people say it transforms the bike, if I am allowed, this is the link to seeing my bike with the dual twin ovals on..
Keith Smart says
dont knock the B King till you have been on one, my dealer told me that if I rode one I would buy it, I did, and I did buy one, it really is the best bike I have ever owned,if you want to go slow,it will cruise like a Harley, and if you want to go fast it will go like a Busa, except it will leave the Busa behind up to 170mph. and it really does handle really well, take a look at this vid, then you will know why I bought mine.
BeKing says
Hold the mustard. Extra onions. Keep the bun, I’m in a hurry.
I have 2008 B-King ABS version. It came with zero miles 1 year old at a nice reduced price (the clincher).
Pros: Great brakes, awesome Busa power, all day sit-up riding position. If you ride one, you’ll come back all smiles. Guaranteed. Best riding bike I have owned, period.
I agree that the wind isn’t bad under 75. A fact that will help you keep your license.
1. You’ll probably hate the style and walk away. Most did, because they didn’t sell in the US. However, Yoshi cans, R1 light and bar-end mirrors help some because I am now asked, “What is that”?
2. It is heavier than a 1000 or 600 track bike. Not a good choice choice for
young, small, aggressive, image conscious posers or lightweight track wannabees.
You, of course, all know who you are, :-].
In sum: For the [obvious] few who can see past the plastic exhaust bazookas the B-King has the heart (engine and 6 speed) of a 2008 Busa. It is King of the Zip code changing, comfortable sit-up position, powerful street bikes. Perfect for us older riders who don’t want to sit on their wrists and drag knee pucks at 180.
Oh, topping off this whopper of a bike… let me add that since you can pick one up cheap and change the looks easily……you really can, “Have it your way”.
Keep the change.
Brian says
I’ve been riding 30 plus years most fun motorcycle I’ve ever owned or ridden… I think that custom bike looks awesome! It would turn every head on the road. Great Job!
Tim Butcher says
Just a couple of you got the point.I had a busa a few years ago,couldnt get a good deal on the new one but got a great on a b-king,and if you ride a bike for any other reason the the engine,buy yourself a pretty little scooter with some nice shopping bags
Jesse Morgan says
I have now owned my B-King for 1 and half years. It now has 16,000 miles on it and I have loved and never regretted buying this strange looking motorcycle. Like others have said…the market is soooo full of faired motocycles its hard to tell them apart anymore. When you see a B-King, you know what it is. I have had many many many comments on this bike, both good and bad. I have always praised this bike. I looked past the huge hideous exhaust when buying it. As soon as Two Bros came out with their exhaust for the bike…it was on mine asap. That changed the bike in sooo many ways! Some 20 lbs lighter, stronger, louder and better looking. I ride this bike as a commuter, a weekend warrior, and a touring bike. I live in central indiana and rode this bike the scenic way all the way to Savannah Georgia with no problems or soreness. Its been on the dragon more than ten times in the past year and half and granted, its not the fastest there..it is very fun! It handles WAY better than you would expect for its size. The mirrors are the next thing to go when buying this bike as its a streetfighter style bike and bar end mirrors are a neccescity for one. I personally have the CRG Hindsight LS mirrors and they show more behind me (without vibration) than the stock ones ever did. All in all…its a great strange looking bike. But you dont buy a bike for its looks…you buy it for how it makes you feel when you ride it….
Mike Trivisonno says
I think the custom looks great. I would like to know where the front fender came from. Looks aside, the B King is one of the most fun bikes I have ever owned. I am glad people couldnt get past the looks. It made a great bike come brand new, cheap. Above 7 grand on the tach, you will see God. Thr Yoshi pipes and fender eliminator cleaned the looks good enough for me and the sound is awesome. Besides, there is no ugly Motorcycle, well maybe the Wraith but why complain. They are what we love.
Ron Sumeraj says
Glad to see that we have input from riders that actually own a B-King as opposed to some of the comments from riders that have never even sat on the bike. If you dont like the looks, fair enough, but to knock the bike on its performance, get over yourself!!
Going from a 88 V-Max is a god send.
RW says
I bought an 09 that had all the nice basic mods. already done to it and 3600km, so I had never seen the factory original until I started to research. I have to admit, I thought the factory pipes were garish. I love the look of the B-King with the Yoshi’s, a little height extension on the bars, and the modified tail. Great handling bike with tons of torque.
Fallenangels says
I saw the Bking in person on the showroom floor and passed up all other new bikes. The bike’s looks has alot of potential, & I have only seen two in the state where I live so it is already a rare find. The bike has had only a few mods and it already out powers/rides/draws attention beyond any bike I have come across on the street. If you passed this bike up you missed out, it will be in my stable for along time to come, & I own a hayabusa that is collecting dust as we speak. It will one day be a legendary colector’s bike like the original Katan’s are.