Do you like building things? Do you like stuff that moves? Before I say anything else, let me just say, you want one of these kits. It’s a Kickstarter campaign that just began and I think it will be huge. These things are already being built and they look absolutely amazing. If you think robotics is pretty cool, but you don’t have time to dig into the really technical stuff and you don’t want to spend weeks or months building and programming the darn things, listen up. Check out MOSS. It’s software wrapped in plastic, as one of the guys says. All of the really complex things are inside.
The kits are based on building blocks that use metal magnets to hook together, transmitting power and data so whatever you build goes together quickly and begins working right away. There are wheels to roll, arms that move, all sorts of sensors and they just rock!
Watch the video, it explains everything. Clear some space on your workbench or desk. Tell your wife it’s for the kids. It will be our secret.
Link: MOSS kickstarter via TechCrunch
This looks sweet. I hope they are able to make it happen. As of this comment they have surpassed the 100K goal and are about 129K.