If the name Marcel van Hooijdonk doesn’t ring a bell, think MadBoxer, the Subaru WRX powered creation we showed you a few years ago. Well, he’s at it again, this time it’s the MMR (Marcel’s Mad Rota), a single rotor powered, center steering scrambler style project that is simply off the charts. Although it’s usually better to show you a project when it’s complete, some are just too good not to let you in on the secret while the finish line is still a little ways off.

Marcel has a way of turning ideas into real, functional motorcycles in a way that makes you stop and look at every detail. This project is powered by a single rotor rotary engine, which is half of a Mazda 13B, 654cc consisting of just the one rotor and the crankshaft which was essentially cut in half. What’s really interesting is Marcel fabricated the side plates of the rotor so they also become the chassis of the motorcycle.

He also designed and fabricated the center steering front swing arm and hub assembly.

The fabricated side plates become the chassis and look more than capable of handling the stress and are an ingenious way of lowering weight and making the build more compact.

The project is coming together nicely. Marcel says it will be completed this year and will be fully road legal. He already has LVVTA (Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association) design approval for the build.

Marcel is a man of few words, he lets his work tell the story and he’s a great example of the wonderful projects and incredible skills found in New Zealand and I’m sure many of you will be looking forward to seeing this one on the road. I know I am. Great work Marcel!
Roel van der heide says
With Bumsteering ?
Duffey Wolvin says
That’s amazing, hope he makes some videos of it running! (will always miss my RX-7)
JP says
That is gonna be loud, unless a massive silencer is used.
should spit flames, nicely too
Paul Crowe says
The third photo above shows a muffler tucked up under the seat. Whether it’s enough will be in the ear of the beholder.
Peter Powers says
The next post should be audio only!
Matt Guzzetta says
I can see part of the steering set-up. It is close to the system we used on Don Vesco’s Bonneville streamliner and the system that Don built for the Vincent powered streamliner. If Marcel would like information on the way we eliminated bump steer he can contact me through this website.
Great concept!