Kingston University in the U.K. has a great looking entry for the TTXGP, the “Firstest,” and is an example of how far we’ve come in the area of electric motorcycle design. It’s still a computer graphic and some details are missing, though it looks good so far. Obviously, performance is what counts, so we’ll see what happens on race day, but remember, this is a student project!
Press release follows:
The Kingston University – LifeBatt Populous Green Team
The Firstest is Kingston University’s TTXGP entry. Course Director for Motorsport and Motorcycle Engineering Paul Brandon is leading a team of six students to develop a bike for the TTXGP
Kingston was the first academic institution to put its plans forward for entry to the race. Kingston University will be officially launching its ‘Firstest’ at an event on April 22, 2009.
Maria Costello, Kingston University’s rider, is a Guinness World Record holder as the fastest woman to lap the Isle of Man TT course [2004 Production TT Race – Padgett’s Suzuki GSXR750 K2].
Lithium-Ion Phosphate batteries
Brushed DC motor.
Average 70 mph around course
Link: Kingston University
There’s definitely a hint of TRON in this bike.
ep says
i think it looks like it should sprout a couple of rotors, maybe a rocket pod or two and take off.
nawitus says
It looks like crap. When will people figure out that if you replace the engine you don’t need to come up with a lame pseudo-futuristic non-utilitarian design?