Ludovic Lazareth is well known for his many wild creations like the very impressive, but highly impractical Maserati V8 powered leaning quad. This Honda Gold Wing conversion, on the other hand, is something many riders have been looking for. Ever since the first leaning reverse trikes began appearing, riders of the big bikes have wondered if the hugely popular Gold Wing would get the treatment. You can get standard reverse trikes for the big Wing, but why not one that leans? Well, Lazareth built this one a few months ago and unlike his one off customs, this one just begs to be produced in greater numbers.

According to the description, wheelbase, turning radius and maximum tilt are the same as the stock bike. The front leaning suspension has a track of 610mm (24 inches) and runs 17 inch wheels.

I bet a lot Gold Wing owners would love to put one of these on their bike, but the person to ask is Ludovic Lazareth. The one you see here is already on the road and customer owned and I’m
guessing he’ll make more. Nice.
Link: Lazareth Gold Wing
Ogre says
Can Am *really* needs to license this from Lazareth; it would actually make their Spiders fun to ride…
Paul Crowe says
Lazareth needs to hook up with some enterprising and technically capable Honda dealer and distribute these in the US. He’d sell a boatload unless the price was outrageous.
Lee Wilcox says
This creation is begging for two things. An electric motor for reverse and a parking place at my house. I will be happy to provide the second.
Fred Jonson says
Goldwings come from Honda with reverse using the start motor.
Eric says
^Can-am has had a patent since Feb of 2011 for a leaning mechanism, they like Harley Davidson had their design patented then put it away in the filing cabinet….unfortunately.
Eric says
Also Im still waiting for a company to step up and make a leaning reverse trike that is from the ground up made as “A reverse trike from the frame up ” not some bolt on kit mashing two individual designs together hoping that they will flow and coexist together. There have been many one offs and concepts, but as Paul the Editor has mentioned in another article regarding this matter of customs its nice and all but we need mass produced LRT’s not one offs and or bolt on’s.
Fred Jonson says
If you want to see a mass-produced leaning reverse trike, Piaggio has been selling their MP3 scooter since 2006. They are a common site in Europe.
Garth Rees says
The worst thing about the MP3, and the Metropolis too is that they are based on a “twist ‘n’ go” scooter, not a proper bike, no gears, no clutch and no thrills either.
Andrew Bennett says
I ride a goldwing trike, i think a goldwing trike that leans is a brilliant idea and i would definitely buy one.
William A. Wells says
I love the idea of a titing reverse trike Honda Goldwing .I would like to learn to convert Goldwings and open a franchise here.
Bill Messing says
Tilting Motor Works in Washington state already manufactures a full-featured leaning Gold Wing reverse trike solution available now. It improves traction and braking and suspension with no compromise to the ride. We invite you to check it out at TiltingMotorWorks.com and Facebook.com/TiltingMotorWorks for all the latest photos and videos.
Ralph William Wertz says
I currently own a 2008 Gl1800 and a 2014 Can Am Limited Spyder. I would really like more info on the leaning Goldwing System such as cost, availability and if possible to convert my current Wing into the Leaning System and the cost. I’d sell my Can Am if the conversion for my wing was within my budget.