Sometimes an idea and a welder are all you need, combined with time, determination and a little different sense of what a motorcycle should be. As I was reading the October issue of Cycle World
, I came across this bike by Steve Wright. It’s a custom frame monster powered by a 426 Hemi. There’s a two speed automatic (with reverse) driving dual chains, custom zoomie headers with individual Harley baffles in each tube and of course dual nitrous bottles. Steve estimates 600hp without and 800hp with the bottle. Total weight is 1150 pounds, just a tad heavy for pushing around in a tight parking lot but lots of fun in a straight line. Yeah, “That thing’s got a Hemi.”
Photo credit: Cycle World magazine
James - says
A true rider would have designed it so that water didn’t collect in the exahust pipes while it was raining.
kneeslider says
True, except he had a reason, besides looking cool. He said if he ever went down they would hit first and protect the $2000 set of polished chrome valve covers. Kinda like a frame slider, only lots bigger.
feh says
putting them upside-down would serve the same purpose
or howabout just machine a $100 set of frame sliders?