The new Harley Davidson Pan America 1250 is quite a change from the usual fare found in the Motor Company’s dealer showrooms and it introduces a new engine as well, the Revolution Max 1250. Some of you are probably wondering what it looks like up close and personal and you might even want to try it out on the road. Well, Harley is thinking the same thing, so they’ve set up the Adventure Tour which travels to a number of dealers all across the country where you can do both and they’ll be at many touring events and rallies, as well. It’s their way of showing you what they’ve done and it’s a great way for you to form your own opinions, instead of waiting for someone else to give you their take, which might not be what you would think if you were the one with your hand on the throttle.
If you want to sign up for one of the dealer events, there’s a Registration Page. Sign ups at the various rallies will take place on site. Locations are being updated so you’ll want to check the page for the latest list.
The tour starts off in Texas on April 16, 2021. If you’re curious to see a really new Harley Davidson, check the list for a location near you and sign up.
Gabriel Ets-Hokin says
Lets you try, not Let’s