When reading about the engine rebuilding book written by Paul Olesen, you may have noticed the reference to the engineering program at the University of Wales – Trinity St. David, where he obtained his degree. They offer a course of study leading to a Bachelor’s degree in motorcycle engineering that looks to be a rather substantial effort, turning out graduates ready to step into the motorcycle business in a wide range of areas and they say a number of graduates have become involved with race teams in British Superbike and MotoGP. This looks like the real deal.
Quite a while ago we mentioned a degree program in motorcycle restoration here in the US, to mixed reviews, but I haven’t come across anything quite like this. There is obviously a lot of math and physics as well lots of practical, hands on development of data acquisition systems and chassis dynamics and their facilities are equipped with all of the machining, 3D printing, software and computers you would expect. They even have a race team of their own and the university has an experienced staff and many contacts within the industry to give you a leg up on connecting with potential employers after graduation.
With an engineering degree like this you’ll have the knowledge to go beyond motorcycles if you choose, but what a great way to get started, especially if motorcycles are where your interest and passion really lies. If you’re thinking about an engineering degree, before you decide, you might want to check this out.
Link: University of Wales – Trinity St. David
Link: MotoEng.com
Drive the Wheels Off says
That’s awesome. And, you are right Paul….the topics covered in this program would open other, (umm), ‘doors’ if desired
Bob says
Oh, the things my high school career counselor didn’t know…
James says
I completed the first year of this degree, Owen is not only a lovely chap but about as bright as you get outside of CERN.
I went on to work with Triumph motorcycles, Cosworth F1, Jaguar Landrover, AVL and now Ricardo.
If you want the best start to your career, have a chat to Owen about getting on the course.
James says
When I say first year, I mean first round of graduates!