Moto Guzzi V7 Sport from Combined Design – Cherry O
Just wanted to mention this because I happen to like the looks of the bike so much, the V7 Sport from Combined Design we covered back in October is up for sale on eBay. It’s a 1973 and they did just enough to make it really stand out. I think it looks really sweet, hope someone gives it a good home.
Link: Moto Guzzi V7 Sport on eBay – auction over
UPDATE: There have been several comments below criticizing the builders here for modifying a 1973 V7 Sport, which is prized by collectors. I was having a hard time seeing what terrible things they had done so I thought I would add a photo of an original. The 1973 Moto Guzzi V7 Sport shown below is from the Mid America Auction site, where it will be auctioned in January. The disc brakes on the modified bike are a factory option installed by the original owner. Beyond that we have a color change. You compare, you decide. Did they ruin a valuable original?

steve w says
Ahhh one of these days I gotta’ try a Guzzi. This is quite nice. I like the look and the effects the changes make. I may have to get one in the future for a project bike. I am like you in the hope it finds the correct home.
Scotduke says
The V7 Sport is a sought after model by collectors. I’m not sure the work done here actually adds to the design to be honest.
Steve – dunno what you ride but Guzzis are pretty good – had one myself many moons ago. A big Guzzi would be an acceptable option for many Harley riders I imagine – the Guzzi California is a European take on a Harley dresser for example and has braking and cornering to cope with our much twistier roads while retaining the torque.
WT says
Way to ruin an original V7 Sport! Why didn’t they choose to do this to an 850T or T3?
Not cool and what a shame.
Guzzi’s are great and I really like mine.
kneeslider says
Scotduke and WT,
A motorcycle like the V7 is a series manufactured product, not a painting by Rembrandt. Collectors seem to want every motorcycle or car restored to its original condition, but there is no reason why this view is any more correct than a subtle or even drastic modification. This particular example is only slightly changed and I think they did a terrific job, but, opinions certainly vary.
There are still many examples of this model in original condition and if the owners of any one decide to change the one they have, that’s what ownership allows them to do. If collectors want to preserve every example in stock condition, they can buy one or several and do that, they can even create their own museum.
I like my Guzzi, too, and I like this one as well.
WT says
Like you said “kneeslider”, opinions vary.
I just didn’t understand why they would take a V7 Sport and do this to it verses an 850T. They are virtually the same machines. Add some swan necks, tank and the seat, maybe the side covers. All of that stuff is available aftermarket. Not to mention the 850T is a 850cc machine vs 750cc.
To me it’s like Boyd Codington taking a near perfect 1962 409 Impala chopping the top and adding a small block. Something just isn’t right about that.
JohninVT says
I like the finished product but have to agree that the same thing could have been accomplished using something other than a 1 of 300, limited edition motorcycle. I own a new Guzzi as well as a 73 Eldorado and while I agree that an owner can do anything they want to his or her bike….that doesn’t mean it might not be in poor taste. I dig the bass boat paint job but I can sympathize with those who think using this particular model is a shame.
kneeslider says
It sounds like you guys should be placing your bids to “rescue” this bike.
Scotduke says
WT – we agree – simple as that. Plenty of other less rare Guzzis to cover in shiny paint. The V7 Sport isn’t a cheap bike and there aren’t that many around.
Jacquie says
A V7 Sport is art no matter the cosmetics. I myself would change the red frame with the chartreuse tank of the original. It was just ugly. But it was art. I would also want disc brakes on it. I somehow lived with drum brakes on my 750 Ambassador and don’t want to risk it again. This is art and beautiful. I wish I had the money.
JustJoe says
I’m trying to understand what was so sacrilegious about the minor mods, especially that would compare it to a chop job. 1 of 300 doesn’t sound all that limited by Guzzi standards…that’s not that far from the total US sales in 07-08 were, if the numbers I found were correct. Isn’t the important thing that a motorcycle be loved, maintained, and above all ridden? I hope whoever buys it rides it, instead of using it like furniture, like a Steinway grand in a non-players living room.
I really love the look of a Guzzi, and I think this one is very well done…
hoyt says
what if this Guzzi was headed for the crusher or in a heap rusting away before the owner intervened? Would you still expect the original restoration?
It appears the majority of the custom work is something as \difficult\ as color to change.
Scotduke says
There are a lot less than 300 V7 Sports around nowadays. There was one on ebay here in Europe recently and it fetched a good price.
kneeslider says
Please check the comparison photo I added in the post above. I’m not seeing how they “ruined” an original V7 Sport.
WillyP says
I like it. To the guy who compared this to chopping the 409… No, it’s more like putting fancy rims and a sweet paint-job on that same 409. I don’t see any changes made that couldn’t be easily reversed… if some future owner wanted. My guess is it will bring as much as a correctly restored original.
WillyP says
And maybe, if the original had looked like this, they would have sold more than 300… 😉
ok, just a good-natured poke in the ribs at all the m-g fanboys who are horrified at this…
I’m kidding… put those pitchforks down!
kneeslider says
One more thing, it is the 1971 V7 Sport that was “hand-built in the Guzzi research shop,” according to Mario Columbo, in Moto Guzzi – The Complete History from 1921, page 251. This bike is a 1973. Those who are so upset, may be thinking all V7 Sports are the same.
By the way, that book is an absolute must for anyone who has an interest in Moto Guzzis. Everything you want to know about the marque, photos, specs, drawings, it’s just fun to sit down and read from any page. Almost 500 pages. Highly recommended.
Mike says
Imagine what the world would be like if we only took things as supplied by the factory. Final products are a compromise in cost, availability and function. Ask any vehicle designer and the product sold is never as good as first imagined or intended.
Extremism is a byproduct of small minds.
dresden says
Hey, if no one else wants, I’ll give it a good home. She’s pretty.
Scotduke says
Me and WT are not the only ones who think the builder could’ve used a more common Guzzi as a base – I definteily prefer the original:
hoyt says
Scotduke – fact is, the builder didn’t use a more common Guzzi. Your comments suggest this guy stumbled across 2 Guzzis and he picked on your beloved V7.
What if the builder came upon this rare Guzzi in really bad shape? So bad that if he didn’t act, it would have been scrapped entirely, never to be ridden again, bass boat paint or otherwise.
A very close friend of mine rescued a ’66 Toronado from the crusher. He did a great job bringing it back to life. He made subtle custom touches to the grille, taillights, and an excellent modification to the interior. He took the original front bench-seat and cutout the middle, making bucket seats. Since the Toronado is front-drive (flat floor), that made for an even roomier interior.
All the nose-in-the-air car show “purists” scoffed at the modifications. They didn’t know that the car would have been crushed if the scrap yard didn’t call him. The car show snobs also didn’t know he had original Toronados at home that were in mint condition.
Someone who can afford this bike, can afford to restore it to original, if so inclined. OR
They paint it flat black with red & white rims!! Damn them.
kevin says
Regardless of how anyone feels its his bike to do with as he wants. If purists want a pure bike they have two options: buy one that meets their “purity” specifications or refurbish one (if you can find one).
Who are any of you to say what someone can do with their own bike? Jeezus.
I don’t know much about Guzzi’s, but from the pictures I can’t see much of a difference aside from the front brake and the turn signals (and the paint, of course). Oh my god it’s ruuuined!
Looks nice to me.
WillyP says
If you read the e-Bay listing, the original parts are included. The front brake is correct.
“equipped with the correct dual disk front brake conversion”
You have less than 4 days to bid!
RD350 says
My opinion about this depends largely on what condition the bike was in to begin with.
If it was all original and mint, then its a bit of a shame.
More likely, it was an old bone that has been vastly improved.
Anyway, there are enough museum pieces around. Why should anyone feel pressured to preserve a bike for some future (unborn) rider. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but I am not sure the V7 is one of them.
Slim Chance says
Moto Guzzi built 152 V7 Sports with disc brakes. It was (as mentioned already) a factory option that shows up very clearly in the parts manual. In fact the drawing shows the box it came in and an exploded diagram of all the parts.
The dual 300 mm disc setup was as cutting edge as it got in 1973-74. I’ve ridden both models and from a drivability standpoint the disc brake model is hands down the better of the two. I still like the looks of the drum, however.
javier says
I love this bike, I have the same one that I will start to restore, I would love to leave it with this quality of paint and this nice finish even if it ends all original witch is my goal or custom like this one.
Mike Selvey says
As a guy who spent 15 years in the vintage Britbike trade, I can tell you that I have particpated in at least 100 “concours restorations” while in that business. Fine, for those who like that kind of thing. Rideable investments, I call them. Problem is, often once the customer has paid to have it restored ONCE, he doesn’t ride it again, outside of driving it to the paddock for the bike show.
I’ve “restored” my personal Norton about ten times, each time changing up a little from stock, mainly to improve the driveability, but now to appeal to my sense of style as well.
I see nothing wrong with taking a bike (rare or not) and “renovating” it in a way that stays true to the spirit of the original, in many cases exceeding the style of the original. Y’know, a bike the manufacturer MIGHT have made, if not for cost limitations, market forces, whatever.
My favorite bike was one I invented out of whole cloth. I took a BSA Victor, and turned it into a “Victor Clubman Special”, and even made up a set of professional (and period-looking) decals for the sidepanels. Better than any trophy was the number of people who asked me “What year did BSA make that bike?”. That alone was worth the blood sweat and tears it took to “invent” a bike that never existed.
So kudos to kneeslider for producing an OUTSTANDING looking Guzzi that is “spiritually stock” while incorporating HIS unique design elements. I would own this bike in a heartbeat, but I suspect it’s already gone.
BTW, did anyone see the new 2010 Guzzi V7 Cafe Sport? Same chartreuse, but a black frame. It REALLY cries out for a RED frame!
franz says
ya the v7 sport is just an amazing mecca cycle and a dream to me bone stock. the glitter paint and painted covers are so nasty i could see recking a cb honda or a tired old jap bike not this italian marvel.. p.s saw this bike last year in person at rocker box in milwaukee and happened to make some smart ass comments alittle to loud. and the owner builder heard me.. ooops :O viva italia forever!!!!
Jeff says
As an owner of a 74′ V7 Sport (drum brake model) I just had to chime in with my thoughts on the subject. While I can understand the frustration of some of the Guzzi enthusiasts who cannot fathom making these changes to an already beautiful bike, I can also see the passion that the owner had in making them. Its obvious to me that folks on both sides of the fence share this passion for the marque and where we branch off comes down to personal taste.
I kept my bike original with the exception of the seat. I switched to the 750S models seat as I just like the sportier looks it offers. I still have the original just incase though. It seems to me that the changes made to this particular bike are not all that drastic as most of them are merely cosmetic and the only mechanical change made was the disc brake upgrade. I personally would not have gone with those cosmetic changes but I congratulate the owner on doing a wonderful job in restoring “an ol’ friend”.