When Anders Johansson got the idea of building a land speed racer powered by a TV94 turboshaft engine, he did what many dreamers don’t, he went out to his shop and got to work. This was back in 2010. He just took his project out for its first test run and from the looks of it, he’s definitely on the right track. The turbo was running at high idle and he just rolled in a bit of throttle a couple of times to see what it would do and it’s very impressive and the engine isn’t working hard at all.

He has a very long build thread on JATO, the Jet And Turbine Owner’s forum with a lot of photos showing everything from the initial sketch to where he is now. There’s no CNC equipment involved, all of the machining is done manually on a lathe and milling machine and he’s done quite a bit of it, plus there’s the aluminum compressor housing which was cast by Anders. (I never knew there were so many guys doing their own casting!)

Anders says the current record in his class is 349km/h which is about 217 mph so that’s his target. Will he get there? Only one way to find out.

This is another one of those really cool garage builds pretty much under the radar. It sounds like a jet and goes really fast, what’s not to like?
Thanks for the tip, Andy!
Britman says
I wanna ride it. Pleeeeeaaassseeee!
pete powers says
Didn’t the third reciever of the Darwin Awards strap a JATO to an Impala? The foundry work is not that bad because you cn always have the machinist straighen it up.
eddi says
Sorry, the JATO car is just an urban legend. Debunked by Darwin and attempted and busted by Mythbusters. On the other hand, I wonder what would happen if you strapped a few to a Vespa?
Yeti2bikes says
Turbines to speed… I’m surprised there is no suspension on the rear end. It looked pretty smooth on the test drive but you’d have to think that’ll get a little rough at 200mph+.
Leston says
A lot of salt flat bikes dont have rear suspensions and I’ve seen a few completely rigid. Everyone should take a second and look at his page dedicated to this build. His machining skills are top notch. I am floored that none of this is cnc’d
Lost Boy says
I really dig the body work so far.
Paulinator says
That is the meanest sounding vacuum cleaner I’ve ever heard. My cats would fill the litter box if that thing came around the house.
Bob says
Now THAT custom has authenticity! And that JATO link is fun!
An awful lot of customs have the builder’s (Or more honestly, the contractor’s) fingerprints and brand name on them, and little/nothing else that they can honestly say they made. THIS, to me, is what custom bikes ought to be about instead of the low effort, low skill, and low imagination pipewrap & firestones clunkers on virtual parade these days.
I need to learn some foundry skills…
Nicolas says
You just read Jason Cormier’s article, didn’t you ? 😉
This thing is awesome ! After I’m done with my low skills no talent hackjob, I need to build one of those …
Nicolas says
wow, I thought he used an ex-military turbine of some sort, but no, he’s building his turbine from scratch ! impressive …
Paulinator says
Isn’t that just nuts? I spent weeks designing, building, redesigning, rebuilding (and repeat) a little “gas-pipe” burner for my tilt-smelter. It makes about 5 pounds thrust and has no moving parts.
Bob says
What gave that away?
Hey, I’ve owned/ridden my share of “low skill no talent hackjob” sanity savers – and enjoyed them a lot – I just thought they were like other joys in life that ought not be shared on the internet.
513Mugsy says
Wonder what those Harley riders thought when they passed by!?!?
Will says
Damn crotch rocket….
That’s awesome. Good luck with breaking the record! That sure would be sweet.
me says
watch your leg on that exhaust! (watch your leg disappear???)
B*A*M*F says
Pretty amazing watching the exhaust temperature climb so quickly!
The machining he did to make this engine happen is incredible.
Bart says
That is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen posted here. A LSR bike that corners! Love that turbine whine
Yeah, I wanna ride it too. Better yet, build a back seat and go for 2-up LSR! Add a sidecar…another record!
Giella Lea Fapmu says
His site says 200hp+40hp after the water/methanol injection system is installed, is it actually possible to go above 200Mph on salt with “just” 240hp? Just curios, great build whatever it does.
Anders Johansson says
Hey guys! A friend told me that an article on my bike was published at The Kneeslider so I had to take a look, thanks for a good article!
I´ve had a couple of articles written in Swedish magazines about some other jet related projects built with a couple of friends but the reporters are often more interested in writing a jaw dropping story than actually telling the truth so the articles tend to be filled with misguiding information.
Thanks as well you guys for the supporting comments, I am currently modifying the gas producer for an upcoming test where I will measure a bunch of pressures, temps and engine revs to try to find out why the engine runs a bit hot with the power turbine section in place. Keep an eye out at the JATO forum where I post updates a couple of times every week.
Alan Caldwell says
Anders is in the running to win a $5000 prize, lets show him some love and all vote! I think we all would like to see this project come to fruition.
(sorry if this is a highjack, or unwelcome solicitation), I found it on the last page of his build on JATO.
Geoff King says
OMG!!! I LOVE THE SOUND OF THAT JET! Gimmy gimmy gimmy. I’ll be your test dummy.
Henrik Harding says
Last weekend Anders did the first run (on ice) with his motorcycle and recorded 200+ km/h over a 1km speed-track.
Check it out on his site http://mobackenracing.se/