Take one current generation Triumph Scrambler and give it the full British Army treatment and you might end up with something like this, the newest offering from Classic Farm Motorcycles of Italy. It really has the look, including those headlight covers to to put you in night time stealth mode, after all, you don’t want the bad guys spotting you from miles away.

It has all of the functional mods like the skid plate and desert tan paint job, knobby tires and “pedestrian slicer” number plate, it looks like it could have served in the Africa campaigns in WWII. You know, when you think of adventure bikes, why not make them look more like this? A little less civilized, a little more adventure, flat paint, the kind of thing where you roll up and ask, “Dr Livingstone, I presume?” Perfect for Indiana Jones, too.
Nice looking makeover. I think the Classic Farm/McDeeb operation needs to open up a shop in the USA. I’d like to wander in and check out their bikes.
Link: Classic Farm Motorcycles

Fabrizio "McDeeb" Di Bella says
Hi Paul and all US mates,
I’m happy you like our latest work.
It was funny to make this British Army conversion on a new Triumph due the blank paper his owner gave me. the only advice he told us was “Please , avoid a fake plastic bike as I can see in some exhibitions”. My passion for military motorcycles give me an advantage and after reading some books about the British Forces vehicles I found the inspiration in a old Triumph 350 HW, which had the proper “desert-look” and battallion insigna.
So I decided to make fenders, engine bashplate and two sidepanels by hammering alloy sheetmetal and using some original WWII memorabilia I have in my own large collection. The front cover come from a Russian sidecar, and the same for the fuel can, which I cut to became a solid bag. Inside , we have mounted a leather bullet box and some rubber straps for the objetcs you like to put in . All these accessories, and the saddle and sidepanels can be quickly separated from the bike through Royal Enfield original quick- bolts of the fifties . The exhaust is handmade and the muffler has a system to close (or to open) it enough to avoid problems with the Police…also if the people normally believe this Triumph is a vintage bike , being more tolerant about its noise! You can operate this “muffler-regulator” from a small lever placed on the handlebar.
The paint has the original desert RAL 1002 code, and some others details are NOS spareparts used on classic HD,Triumph, Royal Enfield and other army bikes.
About the possibility to open a Classic Farm Motorcycles shop in US..it is my dream since I was a boy !
Next month a movie shooting will be make by a famous US channel in our workshop, and maybe this could help the dream to became real…
Cheers from Italy
from all Classic Farm Motorcycles crew
Fabrizio Di Bella
Fabrizio "McDeeb" Di Bella says
I forgot to notice about the light indicators (it come from a classic car) and the turnable small light on the handlebar I’ve found in a autojumble for militaria..but the pics can speak better about it.
todd says
pretty cool. It kind of has a nice R75 look to it. I especially like the tank/panniers. What a great idea and it looks really sturdy. How about painting the wheels? The polished look is a little out of place on this bike.
Dresden says
Hey, cool, the dude behind it even comments on it. Nice work!
James McBride says
This is such a wonderful bike. That head light cover is magnificent and the bike actually looks like a stock, military issue motorcycle.
Kudos to McDeeb on another job well done.
Fabrizio "McDeeb" Di Bella says
Hi ,
thanks for you warm appreciation
you’re right guys! The rims could be better if matt painted as the body, unfortunately at that point the budget was almost finished due the handmade framer rear tail and the alloy parts (also some accessories we bolt on free of charge to make the bike more complete and for our own sactisfation…)so we make only a soft “brush” finishing on the rim sides which leave it less shining , but we probably will make it as the next step.
A biker’s work is never done ! 🙂
Keep on contact: other news are coming !
HoughMade says
Very nice. Creative. Great craftsmanship.
Tim says
I’ve got a Scrambler: I WANT that one. well cool. I have been considering doing the paint treatment on my rims, but thought I might try and get some Thruxton wheels (bigger brake, floating caliper, alloy rim). Or a Speed Triple….
Bob says
Send it over to England Fabrizio, I will quite happily cover it in authentic British mud for you.
Fabrizio "McDeeb" Di Bella says
thanks ,Bob !
We have mud enough here, too.
Have you never heard about the “Valli Bergamasche” motorcycle enduro european championship race?
It is our most famous off road race and the track is just five miles far from our workshop.
I know your British mud has a good quality bu we can offer a good substitute, ah ah ah.
Bob says
I would love to cover my own bike in Italian mud one of these days. I have toured a lot in France but want to do a big tour of Italy, it looks so beautiful. Best of luck with this bike.
B50 Jim says
Wonderful! It looks like something my uncle would have ridden in North Africa while a Tommy with the Royal Army, once he got back into action after a small detour through Dunkirk. One thing I would add if possible: a kickstart. No English bike should be without one, even if it’s a dummy lever to activate the electric start.
Fabrizio "McDeeb" Di Bella says
Thanks for you “army” remarks, B50: I am happy you like our job.
Frankly speaking, I appreciate the kickstart lever but don’t like a dummy item as arfeady fitted on a similar bike made by a good friend of mine.
Making a true kickstarton a new-Bonnie power unit could be an interesting challenge, but we probably can do it if a customer will pay for it… 🙂
B50 Jim says
Fabrizio —
Actually, I think electric starting is one of the best things that ever happened to motorcycles. I have had more than my share of kickstarting balky big singles (and have the wonky right knee to prove it) — so much better to push a button and ride. So don’t bother to try and design a kickstarter for a new-Bonnie power unit. It’s great as it is. Now, I wonder if Triumph has a Big Single in mind… I’d love to see what you could do with one!
Fabrizio "McDeeb" Di Bella says
All my knees are wonky, mate ! 🙂
A terrific “factory 630cc Husky smashed my right, while the letf was “reworked” by other classic thumpers.
I’ve just heard about the oncoming Triumph single and are waiting it.
I’m not so sure about the tipical modern Triumph owner likes to use a kick: it could damage a 800 GBP italian leather shoe (and the feet inside, too)
But it’s my own opinion based on Italian Triumph users.
B50 Jim says
My wife has a pair of Italian leather boots. I’ll ask her if she’ll try starting my B50 — only if I want to sleep with the cats on the couch!
I’ll be very interested to see the upcoming Triumph single — here in the U.S., singles never seemed to gain much popularity; but a good new thumper might do the trick, especially if it has good retro style but modern power — something like a Royal Enfield with 50 bhp.
Tim says
It’ll be just like that, except it will have 25hp.
A stock Bonnie is what, 56hp, from 865cc. Sure they COULD do 50hp from a 600cc single, but WILL they? and would you really want it? I reckon it will be very similar to an Enfield C5, maybe just a couple hp more, so their marketing can say “most powerful retro style single on the planet” or somesuch.
I’d certainly look at one though.
Rich says
Reminds me of my father’s old Triumph 500. Here’s a photo of him sitting on the bike after beginning of WW II.
Fabrizio "McDeeb" Di Bella says
Thanks to share that nice pic, Rich.
I am working on a very “evocative” single” based on a Royal Enfield EFI.
One version , for true nostalgic riders, will have a girder fork, but the look will be really vintage, with upswept pipe and some replicated details of the bike manufactured during the fourties.
Do you think a similar bike could be appreciated, guys ?
P.S. We already made two higly tuned Bullet EFI but I consider a middel-level tuning (40 real horsepower but with a good torque) enough for mostly bikers needs.
tomsez2u says
All I have to say is that I want one.”
Big D says
You should build another and couple it to a Ural sidecar.
Fabrizio "McDeeb" Di Bella says
Big D,
if you like that kind of “stuffed” outfit, I can make it for you, due some Ural,Dnepr and KMZ russian sidecar complete as wrecked we’ ve in our storage….
Frank says
Great Job! Why do I like military bikes when I even did alternative civilian service 😉 I like the colour, which I had chosen, if my Scrambler hadn’t been all new, and all the customization to it. See my Scram http://www.flickr.com/photos/scrambler-rofu/sets/72157626646025991/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/scrambler-rofu/sets/72157626770676174/
which is inspired of Dino from Drag & Racing:
Dear Gentlemen. I have written to you people seversl times asking if you would be interested in selling me components down here in Australia & you promised several times to get me prices. I’m building a 500 Royal Enfield Cafe Racer & would like to purchase the Tank / Seat combination & several other components,
Can you please confirn by return your consideration of my proposal/ I look forward to hearing from you & doing business with you in the near future.
Best Regards. Jack Erskine, Owner
Omar says
Very very cool bike..