Concept motorcycles are everywhere, with easy access to CAD software and 3D rendering tools, now everyone is a designer, or so they like to believe, but every now and then a real CAD master offers up a few ideas that are just gorgeous. Lien Ying-Te is one of those masters and the concepts shown here are just a few of hundreds he’s done that will blow you away. Fantastic skill, a great eye and concept machines it would be great to see in the physical world.

His 3D renders cover a wide range of motorcycles, cars, military vehicles, dinosaurs and creatures of all sorts, not to mention the biologic and machine hybrids and transformers, too. I have no idea what he does, whether he creates illustrations for a living or simply spends unending hours at his computer, but his skills are far above the norm.
Trikes are becoming far more interesting now with all of the leaning variations coming into production and showing up as customs. The old idea of a Harley or Gold Wing trike as the only option is fast giving way to concepts like these and the upcoming Yamaha Niken. I like the whole shift to 3 wheels and can’t wait to see more.

Lien Ying-Te via Ottonero Thanks for the tip, Bob!