There is no shortage of 3 wheeled vehicle designs, we’ve shown quite a few here, some look pretty good, some not so good, but these two, competitors in the 2007 Peugeot Design Competition, look absolutely stunning. With all of the attempts over the years to actually build a 3 wheeler, why don’t we get something more like these?
The first one, a tilting 3 wheeler is the Concept LiiON by Sano Cristian from Romania. The name LiiON is a little word play since the Lion symbol is used by Peugeot and this 3 wheeler is powered by an electric motor and lithium ion batteries. The rear wheel contains the electric motor and the front wheels are steered by computer controlled electric motors. Tilt is also computer controlled to match the speed and turning radius with the proper lean angle.
The second is the Fantome by Igor Ozhiganov of the Russian federation. A bit more conventional with internal combustion power it also uses the Osmos hubless wheels. Mudguards cover most of the wheels except for a small area at the bottom.
Both of these entries incorporate hubless wheels in a natural way, not forced for the sake of appearance. Both of these are sleek and elegant and illustrate that 3 wheelers don’t have to be the sometimes awkward vehicles we see when builders drop one of the rear wheels. Yes, these are concepts and would require a lot of work to be put into production or even built as one off show cars but they look really good to me. I can imagine driving one of these and the impression I get is they would be one helluva lot of fun.
By the way, voting on the various entries is now open to the public so if you visit the Peugeot web site you can look through the designs and vote for your favorite.
Link: Peugeot Design Competition
Related: Brudeli 625 3 Wheeler Ace Cycle Car SUB 3 Wheeler Spykster Volkswagen GX3 Carver and Clever Tilting 3 Wheelers
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Focushere says
I want one!
Joe says
Awesome it`s a real wannehave!!
I want one too.
Alejandro Martinez says
These pics look nice but are worthless. It is one thing to make a cool picture, and another to actually make a working vehicle.
Also, where is the suspension on the rear tire? The designer can claim it is there, but it doesn’t look like it.
Michael S. Kostya says
The Concept Liion by Sano cristian is absolutely stunningly/breathtakingly beautiful. Truely a machine that is a piece of art. Outstanding!
Sadly though, it would probably cost a small fortune.
Marwan says
how much and where i can find it in the USA or florida?
this person right here .... says
definitely a must have
Jesse Morton says
that is a black rubber dress for the suspension. Injection molding makes dynamic parts.
albey hunter says
great site this design is what all bike and small car makers should be building . how many cars do you see with only one person driving it . lets say good by to petrol cars and imbrace electric . the wind always blows and the sun will always shine .
live long and prosper
Uncle B says
With these three-wheeled wonders we are witnessing the way of the future, coming at us at computer speeds! The huge American market has lost the Hummer, and various SUV’s with the death of GM and Chrysler, making highways safer for ultra-lights. The slow climb of the price of oil, to an OPEC promised, Saudi backed opening payment of $75.00 a bbl, and to climb from their to much more, ramping up as blackmailer’s greed will, sending oil prices to untold hieghts, will make 80 mpg. commuters invaluable. Families will own and operate three or more of these vehicles for convenience, as opposed to the old practice of one, huge, very expensive “Family-car” and America will have transportation problems like grid-lock and lack of parking space solved. The lighter, gas/Electric or better, Bio-diesel/electric commuters, fast, smaller, safer, and easy to park, two seater’s to accommodate needs of the people, rather than 6 seater’s, to accommodate the designers and manufacturers profit pictures, will make America a happy, profitable, highly mobile society once again, and the “Big Three” will perish on the roadside, with their greedy dividend collectors, in heaps of rusty red iron and planned obsolescence gone wrong! Detroit City, is dying, California and Apetura here we come!
fearnow says
I, like Unc B, welcome our 3-wheeled overlords. Extravagance was fun, but clearly not sustainable. bring on the revolution – we are riding the future!
Mike Porter says
Only the rich will own 3 wheelers.
If they were affordable to almost everyone, then yes I can foresee an increase in transportation and parking difficulties. For some people, a three wheeler is easier to drive than a motorbike but that doesn’t solve a 3, 4, 5, or 6+ person family.
The cost of a 3 wheeler must be treated as if it were “beach front property.” Not everyone can have it. I’m sure multi-million dollar corporations and business’s have already taken this price strategy into account. Determining an accurate price($) is being able to justify the levels of circumstances in a society. No manufacturer wants to contribute to gridlock difficulties.
I think, if the price to own a 3 wheeler is high, then the design of comfort and technology should be significantly engineered beyond everyones imagination.
Economic Development
Mike Porter
Age: 22